
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Reports (Mike H.): A Lake in Abington

--> Fixed the picture. Changed it from the wrong picture (Mike and his Delaware tourney pic) to the right picture (North East River tourney pic).
--> Added the picture of Jay's Catfish. Jay sent it to me today. Hah.

Mike H.'s report on a Lake in Abington (the name is being kept secret at the discretion of the person who introduced me to this Lake) - July 4th (Holiday! Hah)

For previous reports from Mike H.'s:

Written by Mike H. - edited by Leo S.
Hey guys! I had a great trip today. All of my fish were caught on a 3/8 ounce Bluegill colored Swim Jig with a Chigger Craw trailer. I had a lot of success today by pitching my Swim Jig to isolated pieces of wood, laydowns, and grass pockets. I also caught a few Bass by swimming my jig right where the sun met the shade. Three of my bass were about 1 lb each. Two of my bass were about 2lbs, one was 2.5 lbs, and my biggest of the day was 3.25 lbs. I also had a frog suck down my jig to my surprise...haha.

Pictures are below:

I guess many of my friends went fishing on the 4th of July. Hah...

Mike did an awesome job that day! Corny joke - ready? It wasn't holiday for the fish! Hah! I don't know how many times I've heard this one before...(at least in my country).

There are big fish in that Lake, seriously. I've seen some monsters myself. Again: good job, man! Keep doing what you do.

Best of luck for all of us,

Long Days and Pleasant Nights,


Leo S.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Reports (Mike H.): Haddon Lake

About last month's poll (How long have you been fishing...)...Results:

Less than a year - 4 votes
1-2 years - 1 vote
2-5 years - 6 votes
5-10 years - 7 votes
More than 10 years - 31

My vote was certainly "more than 10 years." I started fishing when I was 8 years old, and have been restlessly fishing until now - 23 years old. I guess the results weren't that surprising. I expected some of the public here to be new fishermen looking for information about Philly, and the rest to be experienced fishermen who love to search and read about fishing. poll is available on the right!

Mike H.'s report on Haddon Lake, NJ - July 1st.

For previous reports from Mike H.'s:

Written by Mike H. - edited by Leo S.
Hey guys, had an interesting day at Haddon Lake today.

I got to the lake at about 6:15 a.m., and immediately went to fish in the small pool where the water flows in. There's usually a good sized bass hanging around the bluegill, and it's best to fish for it before all the kids come to that spot and spook the fish.

On my first cast with a Swim Jig, a solid 2.5 lb Bass followed the lure, but was unwilling to take it. I tried to entice the bass for about 15 minutes with no success. Around that time, I noticed two huge Trout swim by and I tied on a Green Pumpkin Twin Tailed Grub. After casting the Grub in front of the fish, and jigging it a few times, the Trout took the bait and the adrenaline filled in. The fish immediately made a two feet jump out of the water and landed right in the heart of a sunken laydown! The Trout tangled itself in several branches, at which point I thought the battle was lost. I kept pressure on the fish for several minutes while I carefully maneuvered myself around the small area to a spot where I could work the fish from the brush. Fortunately, I had just switched from 10 lb Yo Zuri Hybrid to 30 pound Suffix 832 Braid, so the line held tough, and I was eventually able to land the fish. At first, I tried to lip-land the fish as I would do with a Bass, but as soon as I reached my hand into the fish's mouth, it bit down on my finger with its teeth and made a one inch gash on my pointer finger. Lesson learned... don't ever lip-land a Brook Trout. I then pulled out my scale/fish gripper and landed the fish which turned out to be a healthy 2 lb 2 oz personal best Trout.

Right after I released my catch, I spotted the second Trout still swimming around, and again I casted my grub right in front of it. After a few seconds, I hooked into that Trout too. This time, however, I didn't mess around and I swung the fish up onto the ground (which is why there is mud covering the fish), and was rewarded with another Brookie, this one weighing 2 lbs 5 oz!

After those Trout, I met up with Leo and his friend Jay, and started Bass fishing. I managed to get a couple bites with a tube, which included a real solid bite that felt like a 3 lber, but I couldn't hook up with any of the fish. I think that I wasn't yet used to the braid, and I needed to wait a split second longer before setting the hook to make sure the fish completely engulfed the bait. I worked my way through the padfield with no luck, so Leo, Jay and I headed to Audubon. Jay was the first to catch a Bass - he managed to land a 7 incher on a 5 inch senko. My only Bass of the day came about 10 minutes later, when I pitched my heavy cover Swim Jig right into the heart of a laydown.

On the fall, I felt a thump and set the hook. I immediately felt the weight of a nice fish. However, being in the brush, the fish instantly got itself entangled in some branches. I tried to get the fish out for several minutes, but was unsuccessful. So, I thought... What would Mike Iaconelli do? I took off my shoes, socks, put my phone in my fishing bag, and waded out waist deep into the fetid water to untangle my fish and retrieve my lure. The mission was a success, and I was rewarded with a 1 lb 14 oz bass, my only Bass of the day. Leo has the picture of the bass, and Jay has the video of me landing it, which includes a huge "COME ON!!! LETS GO!!!" when I lipped the bass.

I spend the last hour of my time working my way back to the car. I had a few nice bites in the pads on the Swim Jig, but couldn't connect with any of the fish. Oh well, it was still a great day with 2 Brook Trout and a very feisty Bass!

Pictures are below:

(you need a Facebook account to watch it)

Jay with his 1st Bass at Audubon Lake. It was caught on a Senko.

Jay with his 2nd Bass of the day - also caught at Audubon on a Senko.

I caught 2 Bass on Senkos, all around this size....ugh!

An interesting Bluegill that I caught at Audubon.

Mike with his first Brook Trout. 2lb 2oz, still swimming at Haddon Lake.

Mike with his second Brook Trout - 2lb 5oz.

Jay with his Catfish caught on Corn.

Trying to lip a 2lb Trout...hehehe. It's interesting how Mike tried to lip everything! I guess it's something that Bass fishermen are used to. First, the 7lb Catfish, now the 2lb Brook Trout...This lipping thing is getting dangerous, isn't it, Mike? Hah.

It was a wonderful day at Haddon Lake. Mike left early that day to spend the rest of his day with his girlfriend. I stayed there with Jay for a good while! Jay got his first Bass after a long time! Also, he ended up missing 2 Carp at Audubon, and caught one Catfish at Haddon

I had a great time fishing for Sunfish that day, and struggled to catch some Bass at Haddon. Finished with 2 dinks, all on Senkos...

Anyways...fond memories of a good fishing trip with my friends.

Best of luck for all of us,

Long Days and Pleasant Nights,


Leo S. 

Reports (Jay D.): Fishing the Delaware River

Jay D.'s Report on the Delaware River - June 28th.

Written by Jay D. - edited by Leo S.
So, I finally got to fish with my Dad down at the Delaware River - close to his complex, a few blocks North of the Linden Ave hatcheries. I used to fish there with my friend Pete for Catfish all the time, about 10 years ago. I haven't been down there since.

My Dad and I set up our equipment on the pebble beach ,down by the river, at almost dead low tide. We had live minnows, nightcrawlers, and chicken livers. I started with the worms, and my Dad with a minnow. It took about 5 minutes before I had a bite. Set the hook, and it was a small White Perch - however, a fish is a fish!

Nothing was touching the minnows, and after my Dad saw me catch three more White Perch, he decided to switch to worms. Of course, he immediately caught an American Eel. Now...I know that Leo likes catching Eels, as they make good bait, but I can't stand them, and my Dad REALLY can't stand them. So, I managed to get the hook out without getting all slimed, or having a knot tied around my arm. I told my Dad that if it was April or May, I would have told him to just throw the whole eel right back out for a Striper. 

After the Eel incident, my Dad decided to switch to chicken livers, which he had never used. After casting three times (each time the chicken liver went out further than his hook), he finally got the idea, and made a nice soft lob cast. It didn't take long for his rod tip to bend - he jumped on it instantly, and felt a big fish. His eyes really lit up! Unfortunately, after 5 minutes of fight, he got caught on something on the bottom, and the line snapped. My Dad was bummed, but happy to at least feel a big fish on the line.

I ended up catching a small Channel Catfish with beautiful spots on his back, also on a chicken liver. My Dad was getting antsy to leave, and I could sense it. Then, of course, on cue, snag. "That's my cue to head home," he said. I tried a minnow one last time, got a hit, missed the fish, and got a snag. I guess my Dad was right. It was time to go.

It was a great time, and now my Dad wants to go fishing there every Wednesday. It's really nice down there, and even nicer that you have the whole place to yourself. Next time, I'm bringing more rods, and I'll try throwing some lures out there. There's actually some decent cover spots, and there is virtually no fishing pressure whatsoever. Fish on brothas!

Awesome report, Jay! It's so nice that fishing can also mean family time, isn't it?

Fishing with other family members, spending a good time outdoors. If kids are present, even better (safety first, of course)! Physically and psychologically good.

I'm sure you and your father will catch something BIG one of these days. The Delaware is no joke - there are huge Catfish swimming around! Well...hopefully a next time.

Best of luck for all of us,

Long Days and Pleasant Nights,


Leo S.

Reports (Rob Z.): First Flathead of the Year

--> Added Data from FDR Park (06/27), Schuylkill River (06/28, 06/29, 07/06, 07/09, 07/14, 07/21, 07/22, 07/23, 07/25, 07/26, 07/28), Haddon Lake (07/01, 07/29), Neshaminy Creek (07/03), Driscoll Pond (07/05), a Lake in Abington (07/07, 07/24), Absecon Bay (07/10), Cooper River Lake (07/15), Olympia Lake (07/29), Crystal Lake (07/29), Lonnie Lake (07/29). 

--> I've recently created a Youtube Channel. The videos will all be very homemade, but I figured it's good for the readers to have an idea of where I go, what I see, and sometimes, how I fish (not to mention the CRAZY THINGS THAT I SEE). Basically, videos of my adventures with my dear fishing friends. Added a video of Nadir G. getting a Catfish from the Schuylkill River last year. Also, a video of a new Lake that I went with Jay D. yesterday, located in NJ. For those who are not familiar with my Facebook page, this Youtube channel is certainly new.

Rop's Report of his first Flathead at the Schuylkill River this year - June 26th.

For previous reports from Rob Z.'s:

Written by Rob Z. - edited by Leo S.
I got my first flathead last night (June 26th) at the Schuylkill River on a fresh Eel head. I was pretty surprised when I pulled it out of the water, as my first Flathead Catfish of the year. It was a gorgeous night down there, and I ended up with 1 Channel Catfish, 1 Flathead Catfish, 2 White Perch, and 4 or 5 American Eels that I kept for bait.

I had some old Eel on my hook (from my freezer from last year), but those were not getting any attention.  As soon as I caught a new fresh Eel, I cut its head off, and baited 2 rods with it.  They started getting attention immediately! I missed many bites, which could have been small fish, but I am also going to try a smaller hook next time and smaller pieces of Eel.

I just felt like my hookup rate should be better and that I might be doing something wrong.  Its cool to come back to this type of fishing after taking a break from it for so long.  I feel like I see/feel things I wasn't picking up on before :-)

I think I will go back tonight (June 27th) for some more.  Plenty of late daylight these days, and it is going to be another gorgeous night.

Pictures are below:

The feeling of catching a Flathead (regardless of size) is certainly very rewarding! After all, they are naturally rare in the Schuylkill River, not to mention that they are powerful and finicky fish.

Although classified as an Invasive Species in Philadelphia's waters, the Flathead Catfish offers a true challenge to any "Catfisherman," not to mention about the fight!

Congrats on your first Flattie of the year, Rob! Hopefully, next one will be a MONSTER!

Best of luck for all of us,

Long Days and Pleasant Nights,


Leo S.

Reports (Mike H.): ABA Tournament on 06/24

Mike H.'s report on his ABA Tournament, held on 06/24.
For more information on Bass Tournaments in Pennsylvania, access:

For previous reports from Mike H.'s:

Written by Mike H. - edited by Leo S.

Hey guys, I had a great tournament yesterday at the North East River, weighing in a total of 14.46 lbs with a big Bass of 3.90 lbs. Unfortunately, 3 of my Bass died in the livewell, so I was docked a pound and a half bringing my total from 14.46 lbs to 12.96 lbs. Apparently, I needed to bring ice to keep my livewell cool and my boater didn't have any extra ice to spare. As a result, I placed 11th out of 20 guys when I should have placed 9th. Next time, I'll definitely be bringing a cooler full of ice to keep my fish comfortable.

The boater and I left the marina at 5:30 am. We started by making a quick 10 minute run to some pilings that my boater, Jeff, said held fish. He began by pitching a jig while I was trying my luck fishing a spook. We fished there for 20 minutes without a bite, at the point that Jeff said we should run to a different spot. Our next spot was a grassy flat containing lots of Milfoil mats. Jeff and I threw a variety of lures including Poppers, Swim Jigs, shallow Cranks, Senkos, Frogs, and Spinnerbaits. The only luck we had were a couple needlefish and a small Bass following my Swim Jig. After an hour and half without bites, Jeff decided to make a 15 minute run to an isolated rock pile across the river. We fished Crankbaits and Tubes for about half an hour without a nibble. It was now about 9:30 and neither of us had a clue where the bass were.

The water temperature was 80 degrees, which is high for a Largemouth Bass, which normally prefers water in the 60-75 degree range. So, I suggested we fish some deep water. Jeff then took us to some deep bridge pilings ranging from 10 feet to 45 feet, and on Jeff's first cast with a deep diving Crankbait, he nailed what would be his biggest bass of the day - a 4 lb, 4 oz bass. Not 10 minutes later, I made a cast into the shaded side of a piling and connected with a solid 3 lb fish. After those two catches, Jeff and I spent another hour and a half fishing deep docks and pilings with Crankbaits and Plastics without a hit. It was now about 11:30, and we only had 2 fish in the boat and 4 hours before we had to be back for weigh in. Jeff told me that we should fish the grass some more, but he was not confident with that decision because he is not an experienced grass fisherman. I told him we had nothing to lose and we made a 20 minute run to a grass flat similar to the one we first went to. The flat was literally in the middle of the river, and there were over a dozen other boats fishing the flat. While fishing the mats for no more than 10 minutes, we witnessed two other boats pull in some solid keeper fish.

We knew the fish were there, we just needed to figure out what they were biting on. Jeff fished a Senko while I fished a Swim Jig. It wasn't long until Jeff hooked into a solid keeper on his Senko. After his catch, I switched to a baby brush hog, and within 30 minutes I had two bites, both of which I missed on the hookset. After seeing my bites, Jeff switched to a berkley crawfish type bait, and he hooked into another fish within 10 minutes. It wasn't until I missed another two bites that I finally landed a solid keeper. After my keeper, Jeff landed yet another fish while I continued to miss bites. More time passed, until Jeff hooked into his 5th fish. I helped him land another keeper, then, I went back and picked my rod up. My bait had been lying out in the water, and when I picked it up, I felt something heavy so I performed a monster hookset. I hooked into a big fish which I struggled to control. I feared that I could lose it as it got tangled in the trolling motor for 15 seconds. Fortunately, my 10 lb yo-zuri hybrid held strong and I landed what would be my biggest bass of the day, a healthy 3.9 lb bass.

Jeff and I spent the rest of our time fishing the flat, and we noticed more and more boats leaving, but Jeff and I continued to catch fish with our plastics. I continued to miss bites but managed to catch 2 more good fish by 2:40, almost an hour before we had to get back. That filled out my limit, but Jeff landed 12 keepers by 3:10. Throughout the day, I probably had over 20 bites, landing over 5, while Jeff probably had about 15 bites, landing 12. The difference in our success came from our equipment: Jeff was using braided line, while I had on a hybrid between fluorocarbon and monofilament. I really needed no stretch line, so I could drive the thick hook through these big Bass' bony mouths. It was a mistake that could have potentially prevented me from earning a check. Oh well, I learned a ton today, and I also have switched back to braided line as of last night. The next tournament is in another month, on the Delaware River, and I'll be ready to stick some pigs with my new line!

A very well written report by Mike H.. Hopefully this will give the readers some idea of how Tournaments work, and how it usually goes. The whole idea of "figuring out" where the fish is is certainly a challenge for all Bass Fisherman. I was very happy to see that both Mike and Jeff made some good calls while fishing (deep water, grassy flats), and both of them at least caught their limit! 

Way to go, Mike...I've never doubted your Bass skills, and I won't start now. Hopefully, you will do better on the upcoming ones! Living and learning - that applies for every single one of us.

Best of luck for all of us,

Long Days and Pleasant Nights,


Leo S.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Catch the Fish, Don't Catch the Heat!

Hello, readers!

As mentioned in the previous post, Summer is here! In other words: fishing under the excruciating sun, getting sweaty, dehydrated, etc... Under extreme weather conditions, it's always good to stay healthy and safe. For this reason, I'm bringing you this post today: "Catch the Fish, Don't Catch the Heat!"

Well...besides a fisherman, I'm also an expert in terms of safety and health. I even passed safety classes in college, and currently have my own OSHA (Occupational Safety and Healthy Administration) certificate, which is a necessary document for outdoors/factory workers and so on. So, keep in mind that the information here is really helpful, truthful, and important.

Let's talk about some temperature hazards - its consequences and preventions. Time for some formal writing! Hmmm...or maybe half formal. Haha.

--- Simple Concepts ---

1. Temperature and Heat. 

- Temperature: it's defined as the degree of hotness or coldness by a certain apparatus (usually a thermometer) and a definite scale (in USA - Fahrenheit, in other countries - Celsius). Extremely hot or cold temperatures certainly affect people and their performances.

- Heat: it's the transfer of energy from one object to another due to their temperature differences. Heat moves from hot to cold (Note: and not cold to hot! When you touch a piece of ice, for example, the heat is going from your hand to the ice. In other words, you are not absorbing the coldness of the ice. You are giving your heat away. Another concept is related to the blanket - the blanket is traditionally used not for heat transfer, but heat conservation). It's a type of energy; therefore, it cannot be created or destroyed - only transferred.

2. The three ways of heat transference. 

Heat can be transmitted in 3 different ways:

Conduction: it's the transfer of heat through matter via vibrational motion from one object to another. Think about frying an egg. The heat from the fire passes to the frying pan, and then the heat from the frying pan passes to the egg. Another example of conduction is touching a very hot sinker that stayed under the sun for a long time - the heat passes from the lead/tungsten to your hand.

Convection: it's the transfer of heat through the circulation or movement of a fluid (liquid or gas). If you ever used a hair dryer before, you should know that you hair was being dried by the warm air that came out of it, via convection. Another example of convection is when you touch the water while you fish - the heat from your hand is transmitted to the water (giving you the feeling of coldness).

Radiation: it's the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves in space, without matter moving in that space. Staying under the Sun is a prime example of Radiation, although radiation also applies when staying close to any kind of open fire. that you know the concepts of Heat and Temperature, as well as its ways of transmission, let's talk a little bit about the human body...

--- How the Body Responds to Heat ---

1. Introduction

You are lucky - your body generates its own internal heat, which is usually referred as "metabolic heat." However, the human body is finicky like a Bass - it likes its internal temperature to be around 96F-99F (35.5C-37.2). That's when you know you got a fever, right? - If your thermometer indicates 102.2F (39C), it clearly means that you have a fever, and something is wrong with your body! 

In other words, since humans are "warm-blooded," the human body maintains a consistent, constant temperature, even if exposed to different environmental temperatures. For those who learned Biology one day, this is the clear example of Homeostasis (Ahh...brings back memories! Hah).

But does the body maintain that temperature? That's when sweating comes in! The body's primary method for removing excessive heat is by sweating. So, next time someone mentions that you are all sweaty, at least be proud that your body is working properly (and keeping you safe!). sweat evaporates, the skin is cooled and the excess heat is eliminated. Just for curiosity - a person at rest (with no stress conditions) generates approximately one liter of sweat per day. In other words, your skin doesn't necessarily need to be "wet" in order for you to be sweating. If you are feeling hot, your body is definitely sweating to keep you in the state of homeostasis (internal equilibrium). A person fishing out there under hot conditions, or feeling stress, can produce up to 4 liters of sweat in as little as 4 hours! (1 liter per HOUR! No wonder you get dehydrated, huh?) Since sweat consists of water and salt, you have to replace these in order to remain healthy. 

Environmental heat can be generated in many different ways. In our case, we are mostly concerned about the Sun (although warm winds can bring you heat by convection). As environmental heat approaches the body's normal temperature (not to mention that USA is humid - which makes it harder for sweat to evaporate), it's certainly more difficult for the body to cool itself. At a certain point, the body cannot cool itself very well...this is when less blood is circulated to muscles, the brain, and other internal organs (Oh no!). Conclusion? When this happens, the person loses strength and fatigue sets in! Also, the person loses a certain percentage of focus, and mental capacity can be affected. 

Talk about fishing under those circumstances, huh? Sweaty palms certainly can affect our capacity to grip the rod, safety glasses become fogged, not to mention that we can even get dizzy at a certain point! Emotionally, people can become irritable or angry, causing them to overlook certain fishing procedures or become distracted while fishing... 

And this is just the beginning...let's talk about health hazards now!

2. Healthy hazards under extreme hot temperatures. 

Heat Rash: it's a series of raised bumps or blisters on the skin that feel "prickly." I are probably thinking: "Man...I never had this before...", but you may. When a person gets a tan outside for a long time without realizing how long it has been, and without protection, heat rash may happen. Sunburn is another potential heat-related hazard that fits in this category. Basically, heat rashes happen when sweat doesn't evaporate properly, such as in high humidity environments.

Heat Cramps: just as the name implies - cramps. When you sweat a lot, you lose a considerable amount of salt - including potassium, which is an essential component to keep your muscles good. Heat cramps are basically muscle spasms in the arms, legs, or abdomen. This usually happens when the person is drinking a lot of water, but not replacing the lost salt and potassium. A solution to this problem is drinking Sports Drinks (Gatorate, Vitamin Water, Powerade). Watch out for the sugar, though!

Heat Exhaustion: It happens when the body's water and/or salt levels become lower than normal. Basically, when you get dehydrated, the amount of circulating blood is reduced. Heat exhaustion is VERY DANGEROUS, and you should know when you have it. The symptoms are:

- Clammy, damp skin.
- Pale or flushed skin
- Fainting/dizziness
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Headache

Headache is usually the symptom that works for me! When I have a headache while fishing, I know that I've lost enough salt to have heat exhaustion (as I keep myself hydrated). I usually stop right away, purchase some sports drink, and go home to my air conditioner! However, that doesn't happen with me if I'm not fishing for at least 12 hours straight under the sun. So, know your limits!

Heat Stress/Heat Stroke: heat stress is a common hazard associated with excessive temperatures. Basically, your body stops sweating, causing your core temperature to rise rapidly! Be aware that there are lots of factors that contribute for heat stress: obesity, poor physical shape, cardiovascular diseases, etc. If you suffer from heat stress, make sure you ask someone to keep you in a cool place, give you plenty of fluids, and fan you at all times! Heat Stress is no joke! As for heat stroke, it's one of the most serious heat-related conditions. It can even happen in people who are not exercising (if temperatures are hot enough 98F+). People with heat stroke have warm, flushed skin and do not sweat. The core temperature gets above 106, and the person literally gets NUTS - delirious. The person may even lose consciousness, or even have seizures.

Personally, I've never heard a fisherman suffering from Heat Stroke. However, I've seem tons of people with Heat Stress and Heat Exhaustion. So, we have to be careful! you know about the hazards...let's talk about the solutions!

--- Reducing the Impact of Heat-Related Hazards ---

- Acclimate to the environment by gradually increasing exposure to the hot environment. Aren't we lucky? Darwin showed us that we can adapt! If you fish outside during Summer for 3-4 days a week, you certainly have less chances of getting those problems above than a person that fishes once a week on Summer. Your skin gets more melanin as well, being more resistant to the Sun.

- Drink plenty of fluids, including water and sports drink. Do not get dehydrated. Please, do NOT WAIT for your body to tell you that you are thirsty! That's the biggest mistake you can make. By the time your body tells you that you need water, you are already dehydrated. You should drink 5 to 7 ounces of fluids every 15 to 20 minutes. Also, avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks.

- Eat salty snacks during your fishing sessions, if necessary. They can be used to replenish some salt that you lost through sweating. However, please, DO NOT eat salt tablets!

- Avoid fishing outside between noon and 2p.m. (when the sun is basically above you). If you do, limit your exposure.

- Wear appropriate clothing. Avoid dark colors - white is the best. Dress light, so you can sweat better, and your sweat can evaporate better.

- Use a sunscreen (the Sun Protection Factor - SPF - indicates the length of sun exposure; for example, SFP 15 indicates 15 times longer sun exposure than without sunscreen). I personally use 30 (my skin is dark). Jay, which is basically white, uses 50. This will help you reduce heat rashes, and skin cancer.

- Get enough sleep and eat light meals if you know that you are fishing. Also, try to avoid foods high in protein.

- Try to fish under trees or structure. Avoid being exposed constantly under the sun, and take breaks between each hour.

- Pay attention to the warning sings (symptoms) of heat stress hazards for yourself and your buddies. If someone is dying, you should know it!

- Avoid contact between skin and extremely hot surfaces. You are already getting enough heat through radiation...believe me - you don't want more heat.

- Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - in our case, polarized Sunglasses are a very good option, and if fancy, even air or water cooled garments. Protect the sensitize parts of your body, specially your eyes.

- Fan yourself with your T-shirt (wave it), or with anything else. Help your body remove sweat.

Alrighty! Now you are certainly ready to fish. I feel like I just did a paper for college...hahaha

Best of luck for all of us!

Long Days and Pleasant Nights,


Leo S.

Recent Catches + Old Pics + Updates

Hello, readers!

It's been a while, huh? Summer's definitely here - we had some hot days, and we will have many more to come. Certain Species are lethargic because of the heat; other Species are hunting for Baitfish - fishing is certainly difficult at this time of the year! However, this doesn't mean that there's no fish.

Below are some pictures of recent catches around Philadelphia and New Jersey (featuring Mike H., Rob Z., Jay D., Nadir G., Ollye K.).

First, for some updates:

--> Extreme Philly Fishing is participating in the 2012 Berkley Fish-A-Thon! For more information on the Fish-A-Thon, access the link below:
The Team Extreme Philly Fishing consists of Mike H., Rob Z, Jay D., and me. We will try our best to do some fundraising for the different bodies of water in PA (50% of all donations will go to the state's budget for a better aquatic environment and ecosystem), as well as spread the word around - let the public and other fishermen know about the different problems we are having nowadays, such as: littering and pollution; over-harvest; selective harvest; etc. This program is good not only for us - fishermen - but also good for the public in general.

 By donating, or just spreading the word, we are all helping mother nature regain its health; we are working towards a better water quality for ourselves (the same water that goes to our houses; the same water we drink), better aquatic environment (protecting certain Species of fish, maintaining a sustainable aquatic ecosystem), and better natural environment (reinforcing the beautiful part of the city, raising our etiquette and critical consciousness).  

Rob and I donated already, and Jay and Mike will as well. I thank everyone that donated so far - you are doing it for a noble cause! Everything that we have came from nature - it definitely doesn't hurt to give nature a little bit more...after all, we are the ones that caused all these problems (we may as well try to repair it!).

I'll certainly work on a full post about the Fish-A-Thon 2012. I think it's a very good opportunity to show "unity", which is a factor that many people have forgotten nowadays. Unity is the key for good progress! Also, it's a great chance to promote the sport of fishing, the Schuylkill River in Philadelphia - which is one of the city's treasure, and Philadelphians and their concern about nature. 

For more details on the Team, or to make a donation, access the site below:

--> I added a new gadget on the right. So, from now on, I don't have to advertise the Facebook page, etc, on top of each post. Makes life easier and less annoying for me and for you - the reader. Make sure to take a look at the video Nadir G. did for the Blog. It's a pretty neat photo-video with fish from Philadelphia and surroundings!

Now...for the pictures...heh Enjoy!

July 07th, 2012 - A Lake in Abington. I caught this Largemouth Bass on a Strike King Jig with a Craw Trailer.

June 28th, 2012 - Schuylkill River. Went fishing with Rob Z. that day (he's in the background). We ended up catching some nice Catties on Eel that day!

June 29th, 2012 - Schuylkill River. Went fishing between Walnut and Locust on the Schuylkill Banks. Ended the day with some nice Catfish as well, always on cutfish (American Eels). Catfish season is finally starting to pick up!

July 1st, 2012 - Haddon Lake/Audubon Lake. I went fishing there with Jay D. and Mike H. It was a tough day - very hot as well. Jay used his Senko skills and managed to catch 2 Dinks. I flipped my gear to a Senko as well, and also managed to catch 2 Dinks. Mike was the only one to catch a nice sized Bass (on a Jig).

July 1st, 2012 - Haddon Lake/Audubon Lake. As stated above, Mike's only fish for the day. Want to see how he "caught" this fish? Click on the link below (you have to have a Facebook acc to view it - sorry for any inconveniences):

July 1st, 2012 - Haddon Lake/Audubon Lake. As stated above, I managed to not get skunked...

July 1st, 2012 - Haddon Lake/Audubon Lake. Little Bluegill that I got at Audubon Lake. It had a very interesting set of colors due to the environment it lived in (a rock under turbid water). So, I found it cute and decided to take a picture.

July 3rd, 2012 - Neshaminy Creek. I waded the Creek on a very sunny day - it was one of the best feelings ever! The Creek was very shallow, and full of different Species of Sunfish. Above is the picture of a very interesting Redbreast Sunfish. I loved the little orange spots - reminded me of an Orangespotted Sunfish. Beautiful! 

July 3rd, 2012 - Neshaminy Creek. A beautiful adult Rock Bass.

July 3rd, 2012 - Neshaminy Creek. A little Green Sunfish.

July 5th, 2012 - Cooper River, NJ. Caught this Channel Catfish in 1 foot of muddy water, on a piece of American Eel. Talk about being shallow, huh? Just because the water is shallow, it doesn't mean it doesn't hold fish. This is the 4th big Channel Catfish that I pull out of there. The PB there is 5lbs.

July 5th, 2012 - Driscoll Pond, NJ. After missing several Largemouth Bass on a weightless Senko, I was so mad that I promised myself that I wouldn't leave without one. So...there we go. At 11:45 a.m., I caught my first Largemouth Bass at Driscoll Pond, after missing 8 fish.

July 6th, 2012 - Schuylkill River. I went fishing with Nadir G., Rob Z., and Jay D. on the Banks. Nadir got this White Perch on a piece of Nightcrawler (apparently, his favorite bait!).

July 9th, 2012 - Schuylkill River. I went fishing with my friend Ollye K. at different spots of the Schuylkill River. I took her to Kelly Drive (all the way to Girard Ave bridge), Fairmount Dam, and Schuylkill Banks between Walnut and Locust. The picture above is of a Green Sunfish at Kelly Drive. Curiously, I've never fished a Green Sunfish on the Tidal Schuylkill River. They are abundant above the Dam. Interesting, huh?

July 6th, 2012 - Schuylkill River. As mentioned above, I did some fishing with Nadir G., Rob Z., and Jay D. This one was the biggest one of the night - nearly a 5lb Channel Catfish. Good fight!

July 6th, 2012 - Schuylkill River. 8:40 p.m., Jay managed to catch this Catfish on bread! Seems that bread is still a lethal bait even among the Catfish.

July 6th, 2012 - Schuylkill River. Another little Catfish caught on the Banks, on a piece of American Eel.

July 9th, 2012 - Schuylkill River. Good sized Bluegill caught at the non-tidal section of the Schuylkill River, right next to the Girard ave. Bridge.

July 9th, 2012 - Schuylkill River. My friend Ollye and I finally ended up Catfishing on the Banks. We got 2 Catfish on American Eels, which was awesome!

July 9th, 2012 - Schuylkill River. The second one. She totally covered the background, but there were 3 people fishing there as well. They were catching tons of small fish on Nightcrawlers.

June 26th, 2012 - Schuylkill River. Rob Z. got his first Flathead of the year! There's a report on it coming soon, so I'm posting only 1 picture of it. Stay tuned! =) Congrats, Rob!

June 22nd, 2012 - Schuylkill River. Mike H. possibly with his smallest fish of the year - a Dink Striped Bass. Fancy, huh, Mike? Tsk tsk tsk...hahaha - just joking!

July 3rd, 2012 - Schuylkill River. So, there you go...I went fishing with Mike H. a while ago, and we saw some Snakeheads swimming around. Yes! They are IN the Schuylkill River already. Mike H., with his awesome skills, managed to catch one on a Spook. Very nice, Mike! Keep em' coming!

July 3rd, 2012 - Schuylkill River. Mike H. also managed to catch a little Striped Bass.

July 1st, 2012 - Haddon Lake/Audubon Lake. Part of the report way above, Mike H. caught two Brook Trouts at Haddon Lake before Jay D. and I arrived at the location. Please, notice the bandage on Mike's hand...hahahaha. Mike tried to lip a 2lb Trout...just like he tried to Lip a 7lb Catfish (and got injured as well). Sorry, Mike! I had to point it out because it's funny how you try to lip everything like a Bass. Anyways...congrats on your catches! Those are probably the biggest Trout in Haddon Lake at the moment. So, I'm not revealing the bait he used, unless requested by e-mail. =)

July 1st, 2012 - Haddon Lake/Audubon Lake. The Second Brook Trout; apparently a female (by color). A report on July 1st trip to Haddon Lake is coming shortly. Stay tuned! =)

July 4th, 2012 - A Lake in Abington. It was holiday, and Mike H. had a blast there! He finished the day with 7-8 (?) LMB! Awesome skills, Mike! Because a report is coming up on July 4th's trip, I'm not posting too much information for now. Enjoy the pics!

July 4th, 2012 - A Lake in Abington.

July 4th, 2012 - A Lake in Abington.

July 4th, 2012 - A Lake in Abington.

July 12th, 2012 - Schuylkill River. Jay D. with a fresh Catfish caught yesterday - 3.5lbs. Congrats, Jay!

July 4th, 2012 - A Lake in Abington.

July 4th, 2012 - A Lake in Abington.

July 4th, 2012 - A Lake in Abington.

June 25th, 2012 - Somewhere in PA. Although it's not very relevant to the Blog, I felt like posting Mike's picture of his latest Bass Tourney, where he scored 14th place.

July 12th, 2012 - Wissahickon Creek. Nadir G. brings us a fresh Rock Bass from Wissahickon Creek, caught on an in-line Spinner (COF COF - the same one I use!). Anyways...congrats, Nadir!

Now...for the old pictures. I was very reluctant about making a report on Absecon Bay (NJ) and Hyde Lake Park (NY), and finally decided to not do so. I'll focus on close locations, and Fresh water fishing (unless it's a Species that travels Fresh-Salt water - i.e. Striped Bass). However, I'll post the pictures as always! =) 
May 16th, 2012 - Hyde Lake, NY. My father holding his first Largemouth Bass.

May 16th, 2012 - Hyde Lake, NY. My father holding his first Pumpkin Seed. A very big one too!

May 16th, 2012 - Hyde Lake, NY. It was very nice fishing for White Crappies over there with a little tube! So exciting!

June 5th, 2012 - Absecon Bay, NJ. I went fishing a couple times with my father at the Bay. The picture above is of a Spider Crab that wouldn't let my Zoom Fluke go! Crazy Crab!

May 23rd, 2012 - Absecon Bay, NJ. My father with his first Bluefish. I hope Mike never tries to lip one of these because his finger is going to get chopped off!

May 23rd, 2012 - Absecon Bay, NJ. My first Hickory Shad (and probably the last of the year) caught on a Zoom Fluke. I was quite surprised when it surfaced. I initially thought it was a Weakfish.

May 23rd, 2012 - Absecon Bay, NJ. There we go! A Weakfish caught on a Zoom Fluke. Very nice fish! Limit of 1 per day.

May 16th, 2012 - Hyde Lake, NY. Caught this Dink LMB while fishing for White Crappie with a tube jig. The fish was hiding right under a branch.

June 6th, 2012 - Absecon Bay, NJ. Caught this Sting Ray on a piece of Squid. If you ever catch one, just make sure to be very cautious about its poisonous tail. If it stings you, make sure to call 911. Hahaha.

June 6th, 2012 - Absecon Bay, NJ. My father caught this 20 inches Weakfish on a Zoom Fluke. Awesome, dad! Congrats!

July 12th, 2012 - Schuylkill River. Jay caught his new PB for the year - a 4.5lb Torpedo Catfish (Channel). Congrats again, Jay!

July 12th, 2012 - Wissahickon Creek. Nadir G. took the picture of this Pumpkin Seed. Although it's pretty dirty because it flipped on the ground, it was released unharmed.

July 10th, 2012 - Absecon Bay, NJ. During my last trip to the shore, I encountered this weird Oyster Toadfish. It literally swallowed my Eel (must be tasty!). It was released unharmed.

Anyways...hope you - the reader - enjoyed all these pictures! Stay tuned for future updates.

Long Days and Pleasant Nights,


Leo S.