My Public Fish Photo Database on Smugmug (Last Update: 01/29/2017)

Hello, Blog Readers! 

Many folks have been asking me about the progress of my "fish photo database" on Smugmug, and I am very happy to announce that everything is going smooth and well!


The front page of my Fish Photo Database on Smugmug. Never ending work there...Haha.

It does take me a long time to name all my photos by date, location, and Species, which is why the "completion" of the database will never come to an end! I will keep updating it as my fishing adventures progress! Up to date (01/29/17), there are 64 galleries in the watershed folder and 118 galleries in the Species folder. That is a total of 182 galleries in the entire database.

Below is a summary of the entire database:

The hyperlink to the fish photo database is here.


For years, I have been wanting to document the photos of all my catches in a concise and organized matter. My Smugmug fish photo database is the result of that. My fish photo database collection portrays more than 2600 photos of fish caught in Philadelphia, New Jersey, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, etc. The database is uploaded on a weekly basis, as my fishing adventures continue throughout the USA and hopefully the world! 


The fish photo database offers precise information on different watersheds and different Species of fish. Each and every photo in the database is labeled scientifically. The following pieces of information are available for each and every photo:

A. Dated photos of all my Species catches for the past 6 years. Photos follow the format of day, month, & year.
B. Added locations for each catch. Additionally, Google Map search coordinates for every watershed are provided in the description of the watershed's gallery.  
C. More than 100 identified Species of fish.
D. More than 40 watersheds to fish at in and around Philadelphia. All locations disclosed are public and legal to fish at. Rules and regulations by the PA Fish and Boat Commission and Philadelphia Parks and Recreation applies.
E. Look-up system per "targeted Species" or per "targeted watershed." In the future, there will also be a look-up system "per state," and "per year.
F. Continuous updates as fishing progresses.

As you can see, the fish photo database is a wealth of knowledge! :)

On a side note, using the database for a single specific Species or a single watershed may not be beneficial to you! Watersheds that are more productive have more photos in their galleries. Similarly, Species that are more common to be found have more photos in their galleries. Ultimately, some galleries may have only a few photos in them due to lack of productivity or rareness of the fish. Overall, however, the database will be beneficial to you in terms of identifying fish and finding public and legal bodies of water to fish at.


The Database is currently free for all those who wish to see it! You can click here to access it. 
All photos are copyrighted. Usage of any photo will only be granted with my written permission. If you want to obtain a written permission, feel free to e-mail me at


As one would expect, this fish photo database will be updated on a weekly basis! As I explore and fish different locations in the United States of America, I will archive all my catches in-between. Due to lack of availability, the database is currently delayed by: 11 months.

Expect update posts to show up here on the fishing Blog.


So far, there are 118 galleries in the Species folder and 64 galleries in the Watershed folder. As a reminder, each photo is dated. Each Species is identified. Each location is revealed. Each watershed gallery has Google Map coordinates for the most productive fishing spots. Look up system goes by Species or by Watershed.


Homepage of the Species folder. Click to magnify. Most galleries have multiple photos of the specific Species in it.

In alphabetical order:

-- American Eel (17 photos)
-- American Shad (3 photos)
-- Atlantic Croaker (2 photos)
-- Ballyhoo (1 photo)
-- Banded Killifish (3 photos)
-- Bandtail Puffer (1 photo)
-- Bar Jack (1 photo)
-- Bergall (12 photos)
-- Bermuda Chub (2 photos)
-- Bigeye Scad (1 photo)
-- Bighead Sea Robin (1 photo)
-- Black Crappie (93 photos)
-- Black Drum (1 photo)
-- Black Margate (1 photo)
-- Black Sea Bass (5 photos)
-- Blue Catfish (5 photos)
-- Blue Runner (1 photo)
-- Blue Striped Grunt (4 photos)
-- Blueback Herring (1 photo)
-- Bluefish (6 photos)
-- Bluegill (172 photos)
-- Bluntnose Stingray (1 photo)
-- Bowfin (1 photo)
-- Brook Trout (2 photos)
-- Brown Bullhead (39 photos)
-- Brown Trout (both Wild and Stocked) (15 photos)
-- Butterfly Peacock Bass (1 photo)
-- Caesar's Grunt (1 photo)
-- Chain Pickerel (12 photos)
-- Channel Catfish (138 photos)
-- Checkered Puffer (3 photos)
-- Clearnose Skate (4 photos)
-- Common Carp (69 photos)
-- Common Shiner (4 photos)
-- Cownose Ray (1 photo)
-- Creek Chub (20 photos)
-- Crevalle Jack (2 photos)
-- Doctorfish Tang (1 photo)
-- Dusky Damselfish (1 photo)
-- Dusky Smooth-Hound (2 photos)
-- Eastern Silvery Minnow (1 photo)
-- Fallfish (5 photos)
-- Flathead Catfish (15 photos)
-- French Grunt (6 photos)
-- Gizzard Shad (6 photos)
-- Golden Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss mutation) (1 photo)
-- Golden Shiner (9 photos)
-- Goldfish (2 photos)
-- Green Sunfish (67 photos)
-- Grey Triggerfish (3 photos)
-- Hickory Shad (2 photos)
-- Houndfish (2 photos)
-- Irish Mojarra (1 photo)
-- Lane Snapper (8 photos)
-- Largemouth Bass (180 photos)
-- Long-Spined Porcupinefish (1 photo)
-- Lookdown (1 photo)
-- Mangrove Snapper (2 photos)
-- Mirror Carp (Cyprinus carpio mutation) (3 photos) 
-- Mummichog (8 photos)
-- Northern Puffer (1 photo)
-- Northern Sea Robin (1 photo)
-- Northern Snakehead (8 photos)
-- Ocean Surgeonfish (1 photo)
-- Orangespotted Filefish (1 photo)
-- Oyster Toadfish (1 photo)
-- Permit (2 photos)
-- Pinfish (5 photos)
-- Porkfish (3 photos)
-- Puddingwife Wrasse (1 photo)
-- Pumpkinseed (43 photos)
-- Rainbow Trout (37 photos)
-- Red-Bellied Pacu (1 photo)
-- Redband Parrotfish (1 photo)
-- Redbreast Sunfish (77 photos)
-- Redear Sunfish (3 photo)
-- Rock Bass (36 photos)
-- Sailor's Grunt (4 photos)
-- Sand Diver (1 photo)
-- Satinfin Shiner (2 photos)
-- Scrawled Filefish (3 photos)
-- Scup (3 photos)
-- Sergeant Major (1 photo)
-- Slippery Dick (5 photos)
-- Smallmouth Bass (52 photos)
-- Smooth Trunkfish (1 photo)
-- Snakefish (1 photo)
-- Southern Kingfish (1 photo)
-- Southern Puffer (1 photo)
-- Spot Croaker (4 photos)
-- Spotfin Burrfish (1 photo)
-- Spotfin Mojarra (3 photos)
-- Spotfin Shiner (6 photos)
-- Spottail Pinfish (4 photos)
-- Spottail Shiner (15 photos)
-- Spotted Bass (2 photo)
-- Spotted Hake (2 photos)
-- Spotted Tilapia (2 photos)
-- Squirrelfish (1 photo)
-- Striped Bass (10 photos)
-- Striped Shiner (3 photos)
-- Summer Flounder (6 photos)
-- Swallowtail Shiner (1 photo)
-- Tautog (5 photos)
-- Tomtate (6 photos)
-- Walleye (4 photos)
-- Warmouth (2 photos)
-- Weakfish (1 photo)
-- Western Mosquitofish (2 photos)
-- White Catfish (12 photos)
-- White Crappie (4 photos)
-- White Grunt (3 photos)
-- White Perch (38 photos)
-- White Sucker (9 photos)
-- Yellow Bass (1 photo)
-- Yellow Bullhead (4 photos)
-- Yellow Perch (20 photos)
-- Yellowtail Snapper (1 photo)

WORK IN ETERNAL PROGRESS (Last update: 01/29/2017)

Total number of photos up to 01/29/17: 1441 photos


Homepage of the Watershed folder. Click to magnify. Galleries have all the different Species of fish that I have caught in that specific body of water. Watershed coordinates are given in the description of each gallery.

In alphabetical order:

-- Absecon Inlet (Atlantic City, NJ) (31 photos)
-- Afton Lake (Yardley, PA) (3 photos)
-- Anglin's Fishing Pier (Lauderdale-By-The-Sea, FL) (67 photos)
-- Audubon Lake (Mt. Ephraim, NJ) (17 photos)
-- Big Timber Creek (Runnemede, NJ) (4 photos)
-- Buck Creek (Yardley, PA) (13 photos)
-- Byberry Creek (Philadelphia, PA) (22 photos)
-- Cape Cod Canal (Bourne, MA) (8 photos)
-- Cape May Zoo Lake (Cape May Court House, NJ) (2 photos)
-- Caroline Lake (Fairless Hills, PA) (2 photos)
-- Centennial Lake (Philadelphia, PA) (7 photos)
-- Chatsworth Lake (Woodland, NJ) (2 photos)
-- Chattanooga Nameless Pond (Chattanooga, TN) (5 photos)
-- Constitution Gardens Pond (Washington DC) (2 photos) 
-- Cooper River Lake (Camden, NJ) (28 photos)
-- Core Creek (Middletown Township, PA) (30 photos)
-- Covered Bridge Park Pond (New Britain, PA) (3 photos)
-- Crosswicks Creek (Hamilton Township, NJ) (6 photos)
-- Cypress Creek Canal (C-14) (Fort Lauderdale, FL) (4 photos)
-- Delaware Canal (Yardley, PA) (24 photos)
-- Delaware River (NON-TIDAL) (Morrisville, PA) (6 photos)
-- Driscoll Pond (Haddonfield, NJ) (23 photos)
-- Gropp Lake (Hamilton Township, NJ) (3 photos)
-- Haddon Lake (Haddon Heights, NJ) (29 photos)
-- Intracoastal Waterway (FL) (25 photos)
-- Ironworks Creek (Southampton, PA) (4 photos)
-- Jacksonville Nameless Ditch (Jacksonville, NC) (4 photos)
-- Kirkwood Lake (Lindenwold, NJ) (25 photos)
-- Knight Lake (Collingswood, NJ) (10 photos)
-- Laurel Lake (Lindenwold, NJ) (2 photos)
-- Linden Lake (Lindenwold, NJ) (30 photos)
-- Meadow Lake (Philadelphia, PA) (32 photos)
-- Mills Creek (Southampton, PA) (8 photos)
-- Mountain Creek (Chattanooga, TN) (7 photos)
-- Neshaminy Creek (Newtown, PA) (32 photos)
-- New River (Jacksonville, NC) (9 photos)
-- Newton Lake (Collingswood, NJ) (69 photos)
-- Nickajack Lake (Chattanoogs, TN) (6 photos)
-- North Branch Big Timber Creek (Lindenwold, NJ) (5 photos)
-- North New River Canal (G-15) (Sunrise, FL) (6 photos)
-- Oswego Lake (Chatsworth, NJ) (2 photos)
-- Pennypack Creek (Northeast Philadelphia, PA) (107 photos)
-- Pine Run Creek (New Britain, PA) (8 photos)
-- Pine Run Dam (New Britain, PA) (4 photos)
-- Pompano Beach Fishing Pier (Pompano Beach, FL) (5 photos)
-- Poquessing Creek (Philadelphia, PA) (7 photos)
-- Potomac River (Washington DC) (8 photos)
-- Queen Anne Creek (Fairless Hills, PA) (6 photos)
-- Ridley Park Lake (Ridley Park, PA) (13 photos)
-- Round Meadow Run (Willowgrove, PA) (4 photos)
-- Runnemede Lake (Runnemede, NJ) (4 photos)
-- Salem River (Salem, NJ) (9 photos) 
-- Sassafras River (Cecilton, MD) (3 photos)
-- Schuylkill River (NON-TIDAL) (Philadelphia, PA) (88 photos)
-- Schuylkill River (TIDAL) (Philadelphia, PA) (200 photos)
-- Susquehanna River (MD) (2 photos) 
-- The Ponds (Downingtown, PA) (9 photos)
-- Tohickon Creek (Bedminster Township, PA) (5 photos)
-- Tookany Creek (Cheltenham, PA) (42 photos)
-- Unicorn Mill Pond (Crumpton, MD) (4 photos) 
-- Upper Cooper River (Haddonfield, NJ) (69 photos)
-- Village Ponds (Newtown, PA) (3 photos)
-- Wallworth Lake (Haddonfield, NJ) (40 photos)
-- White Oak River (Maysville, NC) (3 photos)

WORK IN ETERNAL PROGRESS (Last update: 01/29/2017)

Total number of photos up to 01/29/17: 1260 photos

Total number of photos in the database, up to 01/29/17: 2701 photos

Tight lines!

Best of luck to all of us,

Long Days and Pleasant Nights,


Leo S.


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