New Tentative Update Schedule for Now! :)

Hace 478 semanas 1 día 1 hora

Hello, Blog Readers! 

It's now 2016, and here is the first post for this year: a tentative schedule. Hah. I am fully aware that the Blog is still about 4 months behind its regular schedule; however, as I have pointed out previously, time is quite a commodity nowadays. Thus, below is our tentative update schedule for now:

-- 1 Fishing post every 2 days.

Hopefully I will be able to catch up here, little by little! I have yet to finish the 2015 Statistical Fishing Chart. I have all the data on paper; however, I must finish all fishing sessions from last year to complete that. Once that one is done, I will open the Statistics for 2016.

Needless to say, my other social platforms are being updated on a weekly basis:

-- YouTube: one video every 2 days.
-- SnapChat (ExtPhillyFishin): snaps every time I am out fishing.
-- Instagram: photos every time I am out fishing.
-- Facebook Page: one post every week or so.
-- Patreon: rewards will be out every month for those who are contributing to my work.

Here are some of the most recent updates:

Two most recent videos on YouTube:

Multi-Species fishing the Intracoastal Waterway in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Species in the video include the Gray Triggerfish (portrayed above), Lane Snapper, Sailor's Grunt, Tomtate, Blue Striped Grunt, Bandtail Puffer, Slippery Dick, and Porkfish. Another Florida video will be out next week! 

Winter Multi-Species fishing at the Kirkwood Lake in Lindenwold, NJ, portraying the following Species of fish: Brown Bullhead, Bluegill, Bluegill X Green Sunfish Hybrid, Chain Pickerel, Largemouth Bass, and Black Crappie. Part two of this video will be coming up tomorrow 4:00 p.m. EST.

Videos will be uploaded on YouTube on a two days basis, since YouTube is pretty much my main source of income for fishing at the moment.

Fishing Photo Database on Photobucket:

This is an ongoing project for my Patreon rewards! It's a database consisting of all fishes that I have caught in the USA up to date. The database is divided in two sections: "per Species" or "per location." Here is an example of a single folder from each division:

Per Species: American Eel. The folder shows you all the American Eel that I have caught up to date, from multiple locations in and around Philadelphia. Each photo is dated and locations are revealed.

Per Location: Meadow Lake. The folder shows you all the different Species of fish that I have caught in Meadow Lake, over the years. All photos are dated and all Species are identified and named.

This is an extraordinary ongoing project that will have more than 2500 photos (it was about 1000 photos for now)! It will include photos from my Florida trips as well, not to mention that the database will be updated on a weekly basis in the future. This is a PATREON exclusive. In other words, only my Patrons on Patreon will be able to access this huge database. For more information, please read this link.

Fishing sessions:

Needless to say, I will continue to post fishing sessions here on the Blog. Unfortunately, the fishing posts will be incomplete! As much as I want to bring you guys FULL fishing reports of every trip that I do, unfortunately I don't have the time to do so! Thus, the goal, setup, and summary sessions of every fishing post will be blank for now. If you want to see full fishing reports on the Blog again, please support me on my Patreon page. Once I reach my goal there, I will not only have enough time to write full reports, but also didactic posts and event posts for better community engagement.

Thus, for this year, the main plan is to catch up here! That means no didactic posts here on the Blog, no community events (no Catfish Tourney on the Banks), etc. As much as I hate to keep the Blog plain, I have to accept the reality of things: it's tough managing all this social media with two jobs and a wife. Hah. Thanks for being understanding! 

Many thanks to all of you who have been following me here on the Blog! Your support is always appreciated. May 2016 be a better year than 2015 was.

Tight lines!

Long Days and Pleasant Nights,


Leo S. 


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