Catching Sunnies and Carp at Kelly Drive

Hello, Blog Readers...
I woke up this morning ready to fish! I headed out around 8:30 a.m., arriving at Kelly Drive (next to the boat row) around 10 a.m.. I immediately set up one of my rods for Carp fishing (with corn), and the other one for Panfish. I started with a float and hook set up, but it wasn't working very well. I caught a few small ones (Bluegills), and they weren't biting constantly. Also, in the meantime, the Carp rod didn't move at all! I did see at least 5-6 Carps splashing around (which is not a surprise, since it's spawning season), which was a beautiful scene. Nothing big was willing to bite, though...

Changing a little bit the subject...
The whole morning was slow, so I decided to stop at the "Cosmic Catering" Cafe. It seems that this Cafe recently opened - around 2-3 months ago. I remember passing around that section of the River this spring, and seeing the place closed down. The products and food are neat, and most of them are on the "organic-natural-fresh" side. I had two sandwiches there (yes, I was hungry. Don't judge!): an egg, cheese, and meat sandwich; and a baked crab cake sandwich. The crab cake was particularly good, and I would definitely go back for it. The prices were also reasonable for the freshness and quality of the food. Also, if my memory doesn't fail me, they have free water inside! I believe you can just bring your container and fill it up with cold water. Cool, isn't it? Hehe.

Anyways... I was done eating, and ready to get back to fishing (round 2!). It's funny because I always stop at Cosmic Cafe in-between breaks to "replenish" my body. Hehe. It was around noon now, and the panfish started to get more active. In an interval of 45 minutes, I landed more than 30 Bluegills, and some Green Sunfish. Most of them were around 4-7 inches, which is a very pleasant size in my opinion. Using a 4lb or 6lb test line, it gets even better - lighter the gear, greater the fight! Sincerely, panfish never ceases to amaze me, and I love fishing for them.

After catching a bunch of Sunnies, I was walking back to the train station. I passed by the little shallow pool of water behind the Cosmic Cafe, and saw some intense movement there! There were some big Carps swimming there, some of them so big that the girth was exposed as they swam. I took my rod out in a heartbeat, and cast a piece of corn in the shallow portion of the pool. Without even chumming the place, I landed a 11.5lb Common Carp! It was amazing. It gave a great fight.
It was the only one of the day, and I was very glad that I actually got something big!

I'll definitely go back there for more Carps. That's a great spot for them when temperatures are high; however, since the water is so shallow, one needs to be a "ninja" in order to not spook them.

Pictures are below. Enjoy:
Kelly Drive (after boatrow) is known for big Sunnies during Spring and Summer, especially before spawning season.

My friend Nadir G. is in the background. That kid loves to fish for Sunnies too. They have different colorations, and they are great fighters when using ultra-light gear. Warriors of the River!
The smallest guy of the day. Pretty colors too!

Close up photo of the biggest guy of the day. Beautiful, huh?

11.5lbs, caught right next to the pool of water behind the Cosmic Cafe. Big monsters in a small body of water! Therefore, never underestimate certain spots. =)

Best of luck for all of us!

Long Days and Pleasant Nights, people!


Leo S.