
Monday, July 30, 2012

Reports (Rob Z.): First Flathead of the Year

--> Added Data from FDR Park (06/27), Schuylkill River (06/28, 06/29, 07/06, 07/09, 07/14, 07/21, 07/22, 07/23, 07/25, 07/26, 07/28), Haddon Lake (07/01, 07/29), Neshaminy Creek (07/03), Driscoll Pond (07/05), a Lake in Abington (07/07, 07/24), Absecon Bay (07/10), Cooper River Lake (07/15), Olympia Lake (07/29), Crystal Lake (07/29), Lonnie Lake (07/29). 

--> I've recently created a Youtube Channel. The videos will all be very homemade, but I figured it's good for the readers to have an idea of where I go, what I see, and sometimes, how I fish (not to mention the CRAZY THINGS THAT I SEE). Basically, videos of my adventures with my dear fishing friends. Added a video of Nadir G. getting a Catfish from the Schuylkill River last year. Also, a video of a new Lake that I went with Jay D. yesterday, located in NJ. For those who are not familiar with my Facebook page, this Youtube channel is certainly new.

Rop's Report of his first Flathead at the Schuylkill River this year - June 26th.

For previous reports from Rob Z.'s:

Written by Rob Z. - edited by Leo S.
I got my first flathead last night (June 26th) at the Schuylkill River on a fresh Eel head. I was pretty surprised when I pulled it out of the water, as my first Flathead Catfish of the year. It was a gorgeous night down there, and I ended up with 1 Channel Catfish, 1 Flathead Catfish, 2 White Perch, and 4 or 5 American Eels that I kept for bait.

I had some old Eel on my hook (from my freezer from last year), but those were not getting any attention.  As soon as I caught a new fresh Eel, I cut its head off, and baited 2 rods with it.  They started getting attention immediately! I missed many bites, which could have been small fish, but I am also going to try a smaller hook next time and smaller pieces of Eel.

I just felt like my hookup rate should be better and that I might be doing something wrong.  Its cool to come back to this type of fishing after taking a break from it for so long.  I feel like I see/feel things I wasn't picking up on before :-)

I think I will go back tonight (June 27th) for some more.  Plenty of late daylight these days, and it is going to be another gorgeous night.

Pictures are below:

The feeling of catching a Flathead (regardless of size) is certainly very rewarding! After all, they are naturally rare in the Schuylkill River, not to mention that they are powerful and finicky fish.

Although classified as an Invasive Species in Philadelphia's waters, the Flathead Catfish offers a true challenge to any "Catfisherman," not to mention about the fight!

Congrats on your first Flattie of the year, Rob! Hopefully, next one will be a MONSTER!

Best of luck for all of us,

Long Days and Pleasant Nights,


Leo S.