
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Reports (Rob Z.): Wissahickon Creek, PA

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Rob Z.'s report on Wissahickon Creek - May 20th.

For previous reports from Rob Z.'s:
Written by Rob Z. - edited by Leo S.
I still wanted some Trout, since I could not find any the day before at Core Creek.  So, I decided that a trip to the Wissahickon Creek was necessary.  I re-read Leo's Wissahickon posts, and prepared for my goal: catching my limit (5 Trouts).  I had never done this before in any state, but I was ready to try.  This was only my 3rd trip to the Wiss.  After walking a good amount into the park along the river, I setup at my first spot.  There was a nice SMB lurking around, but I could not interest him with anything.  There were also some nice trout swimming by, but they weren't interested in anything neither.

I tried many different lures: baby shads, and then trout magnets, but I was picking up only Sunnies on them.  Even the bite was slow compared to the Sunnie bite weeks before.  After a few hours, and without any Trout, I was most certainly sure that I was not going to get my limit there.  So, I moved on to a second spot - I probably should have started there!

I set up 2 rods with powerbait, and sat down right next to them.  Over 2 or 3 hours, I managed to land 2 nice Rainbows, both around 11 inches. I told Leo that I had a good spot and asked him to join me (he was there with his Dad at that day). Shortly after, Leo and his dad were there, and we were all fishing together.  (Leo, it was great to meet your dad!)

Within 15 minutes, of course, Leo was hooked into a real nice SMB, and landed it. I was unable to catch this fish before Leo got there, but Leo nailed it!  It was released unharmed.

I kept fishing, and had a nice little spurt of activity, landing two more Rainbows on power bait, around 11 inches again.  This flurry of activity brought my total up to 4.  I was one fish away from my first Trout limit.

Somewhere in the late afternoon to early evening, Leo's dad started fishing with some powerbait, and then there was some action!  We looked over to see him bringing in a nice Rainbow Trout.  I was very happy to see his dad land a new Species, and I was more than happy to help make that happen.

We had strict plans to leave at 7:30 p.m.  It was 7:20!  I was thinking - "I'm not going to get another one".  I started packing up my things to be ready for the walk out at 7:30.  Well, the fishing Gods must have been smiling at me, because at 7:23 p.m., my line starting showing signs of life, and I ended up bringing up my 5th Rainbow of the day.  I pulled my stringer out of the creek to put this last fish on it, and then put the fish in my bag for the walk out.  I was a very happy guy.  Next time, I will remember to get a photo with me holding the stringer so that the fish can spread out for the photo-op.

They were cleaned, refrigerated, and consumed.  MMM...delicious, and about as healthy as can be.  The two below were sizzled on both sides, and then finished in the oven.  Sides included sauteed green beans and snap peas with mixed nuts, and garlic potato wedges.  Yum...

Picture are below:

Leo with his nice Smallie

Rob: Hah! I was able to take this picture of you with your limit, so...nothing to be afraid of! Beautiful fish, Rob! Congrats!

That was truly an awesome day! My dad had lots of fun landing the Trout, and Rob was having bursts of adrenaline while landing all the Trout! I must say...Powerbait never worked for me, but oh well...I guess it works! Hahaha

Congratulations, Rob! In just a month or so (now it's June 23rd), you hit the Limit more than 5 times already! that's 25+ Trouts in one month! Awesome! One of these days, you should make a count of how many you can fish a month, and always try to break your old record.

Trout are certainly finicky fish, not to mention that they are very smart! Their instincts are sharp, and they will not bite anything that looks suspicious to their eyes.

Uffs...took me a while, but there you go! Another post up! Hah!

Best of luck for all of us,

Long Days and Pleasant Nights,


Leo S.