
Monday, June 11, 2012

Reports (Rob Z.): Core Creek, Bucks County, PA

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Rob Z.'s report on Core Creek Park - May 19th.

For previous reports from Rob Z.'s:
Written by Rob Z. - edited by Leo S.

On Saturday morning (May 19th), my girlfriend and I headed off to Core Creek in Bucks County.  I've had limited success there with some Largemouth Bass, White Crappie, and Sunnies.  On this trip, I was hoping to get some Trout for dinner.  So, I had two rods cast out with Powerbait on them.  It was the same basic rig as I used on the Carp the week before (each rod had a 1/4 oz. egg sinker above a swivel, with a snelled #8 size hook attached to that), except Powerbait was used instead of corn.  These rods were set into the rod holders, and I started casting a 3rd rod with a Bobby Garland Baby Shad under a weighted float. 

After picking up some sunnies here and there, I started wading into the water with my sandals.  It was very refreshing. I started casting to an area which I could not reach before.  Then my float went down as soon as that soft plastic entered the water. I set the hook with my ultralight Browning rod, and the battle began. The fish (a Largemouth Bass!) was pulling very hard, and my rod was doubled over. I did my best to keep steady pressure on the fish, as well as keeping the rod tip up.  As I got him closer to me, after a few jumps, I went down to lip him, and pulled him out of the water.  He went 2.2lbs on my scale. 

About ten minutes after that, I heard the line screaming off on one of my 'trout' rods with Powerbait.  I got there in seconds, picked up the rod, and started battling a monster!  It felt as powerful as the Carp I caught last week (6.37lbs), but I really did not think that a Carp would eat Powerbait.  A few seconds later, my line got snagged on something.  I waded in as far as I could go, trying to dislodge it, but it would not.  I then waited to see if it would dislodge itself.  It did not.  Finally in a flash, the line cut, and I reeled in only to see frayed braid.  The 20 lb test was severed. A local saw all of this happen, and he told me that it was likely a giant Catfish.  It made me sad to think that I probably just lost the biggest Cattie of my life, but those are the breaks with fishing.  The worst part is that it happened again 20 minutes later - and again, I got broke off.  At this point we were pretty nicely sunburned, and had to call it a day.

At least I avoided the skunk, which is, sometimes, all I can manage to do.  All I know is that I have to get back there to find that Cat!

Pictures of the Largemouth Bass are below:

Healthy Bass, indeed!

Just like Rob, my success at Core Creek (Lake Luxembourg) has been very limited. Most of the locals agree that the Park is a "Skunk or Catch" type of place - you either get Skunked, or get a lot in a day.

Powerbait...this thing has never worked for me! Not even for the Trout! It's amazing how you get these monsters to bite on it. The idea of a Carp getting hooked on a Powerbait is, indeed, very strange. Powerbait is a soft bait. If you cover the whole hook, which is how people usually fish it, the Bait would slide through the Carp's mouth. Noticing that the bait is not "edible" (and attached to something - the line, in this case), the Carp would spit the bait out right away.

It's a different story with fish that can "chew". Catfish usually bites the bait before swallowing it, and that's when the hook could be exposed to hook the fish. However, I have never seen ONE Catfish out of the Core Creek. It's true that I don't fish that place a lot, but the idea of a 10lb+ Cat in that Lake is a little bit vague. What a mystery, huh?

I hope you catch one of those soon! I'll be going there again this month, for sure! Maybe we will uncover this Catfish mystery this month...

Best of luck for all of us,

Long Days and Pleasant Nights,


Leo S.