
Saturday, April 04, 2015

April Fishing Sessions: 04/02 - Micro-Fishing the Tacony/Tookany Creek in Cheltenham (PA)

Hello, Blog Readers!

Before my report for today, here are the latest updates and reminders:

-- EPF is back with its non-profit Catfish competitions: the 6th Catfish Tourney on the Banks is scheduled for May 31st, 2015. For detailed information, rules, and registration procedures, click here. I'll post a reminder for this event every couple posts.

-- I've updated my Statistical Fishing Chart for 2015 (up to 04/02). You may click here to check it out. So far, I got 9 different Species of fish for this year. The goal is to eventually beat the maximum number of Species that I got last year: 38.

-- I've updated my Fishing Log (up to 04/02). If you want to know where I have been and what I have been catching, or how many times I've been getting skunked, you may click here for it.

-- I've uploaded a couple new videos on my YouTube Channel. I'll eventually hyperlink those videos to the Blog. My new GoPro camera is performing well so far! I'm very satisfied with it. Hah.

-- Extreme Philly Fishing got featured in April's issue of the local Milestones newspaper. Once again, I would like to thank Linda R. for writing such a nice article! For those who are not familiar, Milestones is a newspaper published by the Philadelphia Corporation of Aging. According to their website, it "provides information, resources, and inspiration for senior citizens." Information for subscription is in the provided link (Page 2). Since "declining participation" is one of the main issues in our sport nowadays, let's hope for more folks -- including senior citizens -- to join us in our outdoorsy adventures. Heh. You may read the April issue here.

Now, finally, I'm bringing you my report for April 2nd:

--- April 2nd, 2015 ---

Location: Tacony/Tookany Creek
Time: 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Fishes caught: 

-- 7 Creek Chub (Semotilus atromaculatus)
-- 4 Common Shiner (Luxilus cornutus)
-- 8 Redbreast Sunfish (Lepomis auritus)
-- 2 Spottail Shiner (Notropis hudsonius)
-- 1 White Sucker (Catostomus commersonii)

Below are the highlights of this fishing session, in video form:

Be advised that this is a video on Micro-Fishing! In other words, there are absolutely no "Game Fish" on it. All fishes portrayed are below 6 inches (with the exception of the White Sucker, which is a little bit bigger)

As mentioned in the video, my original goal was to go to the Tacony/Tookany Creek to see if the Spring "Sucker Run" was on. Similar to the American & Hickory Shad and the Striped Bass, the fishes in the Sucker family also have a Spring run! In other words, they run up the Creeks and Rivers in search of their spawning grounds.

Unfortunately, I soon came to realize that there was no run at all! Perhaps I had already missed it. There were some White Sucker around, of course, but those were just the "local ones." Therefore, due to the lack of White Sucker in the Creek, I changed gears from White Sucker fishing to Micro-Fishing. 

As indicated in the video, I decided to use a very traditional setup for it: 4lbs Berkley Vanish Fluorocarbon line on a Shimano Sedona 2500 and a Daiwa Spinmatic. Eagle Claw #8 hook and nightcrawlers. Absolutely no weight and no float. After walking for a little bit from State Avenue to the Jenkintown Road, I finally found a school of minnows. And, for my surprise, my first catch of the day was a Common Shiner, which was a Species of fish that I had never caught in the Tacony/Tookany Creek!

The Common Shiner is one of my favorite types of Micro-Fish! The red coloration on its fins is just spectacular. Another fish that has red coloration in it is the Warmouth (Lepomis gulosus), which is also very rare in Philadelphia.

I fished that spot for quite a while, finishing with the following additional Species of fish:

A beautiful Creek Chub from the Tacony/Tookany Creek. With polarized sunglasses, an angler is able to clearly visualize them aimlessly swimming around in schools,

A small Redbreast Sunfish. In the video, I actually caught a Redbreast Sunfish who was kind of "lost" among the school of minnows. In other words, a "blessed" fish. All of my other Sunfish were caught around structure and not in the middle of the Creek. 

After landing a few extra fish, I decided to move on towards Jenkintown Road. My goal was to fish the spot by the waterfall -- where the Jenkintown Creek gets dropped into the Tacony Creek. 

A nice view of the deepest portion of the Tacony/Tookany Creek. The left of the photo portrays the shallow Jenkintown Creek in Cheltenham.

I spent about 45 minutes fishing around the waterfall, around the bridge, etc; however, I ended up not having a single bite! I could see schools of big White Sucker by some structure and I aimed my bait straight at them, but they were just not interested in my nightcrawlers. I started to walk my way back towards State Avenue, but this time on the other side of the Creek (kind of made a U turn). 

For my final spot, I decided to pick the deep pool right in front of Kleinheinz Pond. Nothing new or unusual: schools of minnows and small White Sucker. Though, for my surprise, I landed a White Sucker while trying to catch minnows. Hehe.

Finally, on my way back to the bus stop, I decided to give a couple casts at my initial spot. And I was very well rewarded for it: I ended up landing something nice and different...

My last Species for the day: a neat Spottail Shiner! 

Overall, it was a very successful day of Micro-Fishing, I truly believe that there were plenty of Spotfin Shiner in the Creek; however, my size #8 hook was too big for it. Still, it was a joy to finish up with 5 different types of fish. That's not to mention that I used less than one nightcrawler for all these fish. Talk about saving bait, eh? Haha.

Tight lines, folks!

Best of luck for all of us,

Long Days and Pleasant Nights,


Leo S.

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