
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, Readers!

Hello, Blog Readers!

As the title implies, happy holidays! I hope you enjoy this season of the year with your family, friends, etc. Santa is certainly enjoying himself...

Wow...Santa pulling a nice Bass, huh? On a Crankbait?!

On this Xmas season, how about we share our best catch of the year with a little story? Share some fishing stories with each other? A photo of your best fish of the year? If I get a few entries, I'll eventually turn it into a Blog post. Therefore, feel free to participate and share your memories! To participate, post your story with a photo on the Facebook Page or send it to "" I'll collect all the entries from now until December 30th, and create a post Blog on December 31st.

Well...let me start with my best catch of the year! 

My best catch of the year was the White Catfish portrayed below. The White Catfish or White Bullhead (Ictalarus Catus/Ameiurus Catus, by Linnaeus) is considered a "trash fish" even nowadays. Some anglers are not even able to distinguish it from other Species of Catfish, taking it for a young Channel Cat.

I caught this fella right next to the Walnut Street bridge, on a piece of American Eel. It measured 4.58lbs, which was only 0.04lbs below the state record for the Bullhead Species (Ameiurus Spp.)! Its head was gigantic and I could barely hold it with one hand because of the size of its girth. It was a beautiful and exceptional fish! 

Of course, it was safely released. Therefore, it's swimming somewhere out there!

It's always nice to share stories with others, isn't it? It's even greater when you get to talk about fishing in real life! As a matter of fact, I'm planning an "angler's dinner" on the month of January. For more details (if you want to tag along), shoot me an e-mail on the e-mail above!

Hope you are all enjoying your holiday season! Fish on, brothers! 

Best of luck for all of us,

Long Days and Pleasant Nights,


Leo S.