
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Where Have I been Recently? Where should I go in the Future? The Art of "Keeping Fishing Logs"

Hello, Readers!

Today I'm posting about the art of keeping "fishing logs." As many of you may already be aware of, a fishing log is a very important tool for any serious angler. Why is that, you may ask? will eventually find your answer as you read through this post! As for now, I'll tell you that creating a good fishing log means recording many different variables to increase your chances of future catches!

Keeping records is a fundamental skill in human life, and it is definitely not bounded only to fishing. It's a fact that creating a habit of recording events is very healthy and leads to a more organized life. Think about it -- depending on how organized you are, the art of keeping records will even save you a lot of money. Though, when it boils down to keeping fishing records, just think of it as the same as creating a "scientific" document based on empirical observations and facts. Interestingly enough, if well preserved, your fishing log could even be a historical document one day! Nice, huh?

But then, what exactly should one write in his/her fishing log? Here are a couple suggestions:

1. Time of year: What day was it? What time of the day? What season? A simple example: "May 12th, 2014. Summer. I did a fishing session from 12-6 p.m."

2. Body of water: Where did you fish at? Was is a Lake, a River, a Stream, or a Pond? And what was its name? A simple example: "Today I've fished at the tidal Schuylkill River, located in Philadelphia, PA."

3. Weather conditions: How was the air temperature? The sky? The wind? A simple example: "It was hot today: 75F. It was cloudy and peaceful, without signs of wind (2 mph)."  

4. Water conditions: How was the clarity of the water? The temperature? The current level? The water level (if applicable)? A simple example: "The Schuylkill River was clear and calm, with very little current during high-low tide. The lack of rain was accounting for a 2-feet drop in regular water level. The water temperature was 68F."  

5. Bait used: What type of bait was used? Live bait? Lures? What about its size and color? A simple example: "I decided to use a pack of nightcrawlers for one rod and two 1/8 oz shad darts on my noodle rod -- green on the bottom and red on top."

6. Presentation: What level did you fish at? On the bottom? Perhaps suspended? Or maybe the surface? What about the rig? What about the retrieve (if applicable)? Slow? Fast? Medium? Hopping? Jerking? Dead-sticking? A simple example: "I set up a slip-sinker rig with a 1 oz. slip sinker, a small snap swivel and size #4 hook. I decided to use the nightcrawlers on the bottom for multi-species fishing. As for the noodle rod, I set up the 2 shad darts 2-feet apart from each other. Hoping for some American and Hickory Shad, I fished them with a slow steady retrieve, sometimes stopping and jerking in-between."  

7. Fish Caught: What type of fish did you catch? How many? How much did it weight? What about its length? Girth (if applicable)? A simple example: "In the end, I landed 8 White Perch and 3 Channel Catfish on the nightcrawlers, and 2 American Shad on the shad darts. The biggest Perch was at 6 inches, and the biggest Channel Catfish was at 5lbs, 23 inches. In order to preserve the American Shad, I quickly released them without measuring them. I would estimate the biggest one to be around 3lbs."

8. Location of the catch: Locally speaking, where was your fish caught? Close to shore? Near structure? Open water? A simple example: "Facing the River from the fishing spot, the White Perch and Channel Catfish where caught to the utmost left side of the Fairmount Dam, about 20 feet straight. No snags in that spot. The American Shad were caught 45 degrees to the right, when retrieving the darts right next to the falls." 

And perhaps some extra information: 

9. Photos: Photos of your catches; scenery. 
10. Additional Comments: General thoughts and additional notes for the day.

As one can see, a full fishing log is formed by simply answering all these questions! Wonderful, isn't it? So, if we were to put all parts together, we would have our complete work:

"May 12th, 2014. Summer.

I did a fishing session from 12-6 p.m.. Today I've fished at the tidal Schuylkill River, located in Philadelphia, PA. It was hot today: 75F. It was cloudy and peaceful, without signs of wind (2 mph). The Schuylkill River was clear and calm, with very little current during high-low tide. The lack of rain was accounting for a 2-feet drop in regular water level. The water temperature was 68F. I decided to use a pack of nightcrawlers for one rod and two 1/8 oz shad darts on my noodle rod -- green on the bottom and red on top. I set up a slip-sinker rig with a 1 oz. slip sinker, a small snap swivel and size #4 hook. I decided to use the nightcrawlers on the bottom for multi-species fishing. As for the noodle rod, I set up the 2 shad darts 2-feet apart from each other. Hoping for some American and Hickory Shad, I fished them with a slow steady retrieve, sometimes stopping and jerking in-between. In the end, I landed 8 White Perch and 3 Channel Catfish on the nightcrawlers, and 2 American Shad on the shad darts. The biggest Perch was at 6 inches, and the biggest Channel Catfish was at 5lbs, 23 inches. In order to preserve the American Shad, I quickly released them without measuring them. I would estimate the biggest one to be around 3lbs. Facing the River from the fishing spot, the White Perch and Channel Catfish where caught to the utmost left side of the Fairmount Dam, about 20 feet straight. No snags in that spot. The American Shad were caught 45 degrees to the right, when retrieving the darts right next to the falls." 

Photos and additional comments are below:" 

Keep in mind that you want your fishing logs to be as detailed as possible, so you can "picture" your fishing session even years after it as you read though it. Personally, I like to split the format above into 2 different types of digital fishing logs: "photo" and "writing."

The photo portion of the log shows me the scenery, which shows me part of the weather. It also shows the type of the fish caught and where it was caught. The digital data on the photo allows me to see the exact time when the fish was caught, as well as the date -- the day, the month, and the year (note: if the camera is set with the right date).

The handwritten portion refers to all the fish I've caught in that day; the body of water I went to; etc. It also includes information as water temperature, clarity, and any other additional information that may be important for future fishing sessions. 

The "fishing session" posts that you read in this Blog are usually the product of these two digital fishing logs together. =) 

Finally, I also have a more "basic fishing log" in .txt format. This informal log shows me ONLY the date of the session, the amount of fish caught, and the location. For example, this has been my "basic" fishing log since September of 2012: 



09/01 - Manayunk Canal - 3 Largemouth Bass.
09/07-09/08 - Fish-A-Thon 2012 - 210 White Perch, 15 Bluegills, 3 Pumpkin Seed, 10 Channel Catfish.
09/14 - Schuylkill River - SKUNKED
09/15 - Manayunk Canal/Schuylkill River - 2 Largemouth Bass, 1 Pumpkin Seed, 1 Spot Croaker, 1 Bluegill, 1 Yellow Perch, 3 White Perch.
09/16 - Haddon Lake - 1 Bluegill.
09/19 - Audubon/Haddon Lake - 1 Largemouth Bass.
09/21 - Manayunk Canal - 17 Largemouth Bass, 1 Green Sunfish.
09/22 - Grenloch Lake/Black Wood Lake/Cooper River Lake - 7 Largemouth Bass, 5 Bluegill, 2 Black Crappie, 1 Channel Catfish.
09/23 - Fairmount Dam/Manayunk Canal - 2 Largemouth Bass.
09/24 - Wissahickon Creek - 6 Rock Bass, 1 Redbreast Sunfish.
09/29 - Manayunk Canal - 1 Carp (5lbs).
09/30 - Hopewell Lake - 1 Largemouth Bass.


10/05 - Schuylkill River - 2 Channel Catfish, 1 White Perch.
10/06 - Crane's Lake - 2 Chain Pickerel.
10/07 - FlatRock Dam (Schuylkill River) - 2 Catfish, 1 Fathead Minnow, 1 Bluegill.
10/09 - FDR Park (Meadow Lake) - 4 Black Crappie, 38 Bluegill.
10/14 - Pennypack Creek - 5 Rainbow Trout.
10/15 - Pennypack  Creek - 3 Rainbow Trout, 1 Smallmouth Bass.
10/18 - Wissahickon Creek - 7 Rainbow Trout.
10/21 - Schuylkill River - 4 Channel Catfish (5.2 kicker).
10/22 - Wissahickon Creek - 3 Rainbow Trout.
10/23 - Wissahickon Creek - 3 Rainbow Trout.
10/26 - WIssahickon Creek - 3 Rainbow Trout.
10/28 - Hopkins Pond - 3 Largemouth Bass.


11/02 - Schuylkill River - SKUNKED
11/03 - Driscoll/Cooper River - 52 Crappie, 1 Largemouth Bass, 5 Bluegill.
11/04 - Driscoll/Cooper River - 32 Crappie, 7 Bluegill.
11/06 - Schuylkill River - SKUNKED
11/12 - Schuylkill River - SKUNKED
11/16 - Pennypack Creek - 3 Rainbow Trout.
11/17 - Schuylkill River/Cooper River/Driscoll Pond - 7 Black Crappie, 3 Bluegills.
11/18 - Manayunk Canal - SKUNKED
11/21 - Pennypack Creek - 1 Rainbow Trout.
11/24 - Lake Luxembourg - 7 Common Carp, 1 Rainbow Trout.


12/01 - The Ponds (Downingtown) - 1 Common Carp.
12/02 - Haddon Lake/Audubon Lake - 2 Golden Shiner, 3 Gizzard Shads, 10 Bluegills, 2 Black Crappie.
12/05 - Concourse Lake/Centennial Lake - 1 Black Crappie, 1 Bluegill.
12/07 - Driscoll Pond/Cooper River - 10 Black Crappie, 10 Bluegills, 1 Yellow Perch, 1 Brown Bullhead, 1 Largemouth Bass.
12/08 - Haddon Lake/Audubon Lake - 1 Common Carp, 10 Bluegills.
12/09 - Glenlock Lake - SKUNKED
12/14 - Wissahickon Creek - 3 Rainbow Trout.
12/16 - Haddon Lake/Schuylkill River - 10 Black Crappie, 6 Bluegill.
12/17 - Lake Luxembourg - 12 Common Carp, 2 Rainbow Trout, 2 Black Crappie.
12/18 - Lake Luxembourg - 3 Common Carp.
12/19 - Schuylkill River - 2 Channel Catfish.
12/24 - Lake Luxembourg - 3 Rainbow Trout, 2 Common Carp, 1 White Perch, 1 American Eel.
12/30 - Schuylkill River - 1 Channel Catfish.
12/31 - Lake Luxembourg - 3 Rainbow Trout.



01/01 - Lake Luxembourg - SKUNKED
01/05 - Wallworth Pond/Upper Cooper River - 7 Bluegills, 2 Pumpkin Seeds, 7 Black Crappie, 1 Yellow Perch.
01/09 - Schuylkill River - 1 Channel Catfish.
01/10 - Schuylkill River - SKUNKED
01/11 - Schuylkill River - SKUNKED
01/13 - Wissahickon Creek - SKUNKED
01/14 - Schuylkill River - 9 Channel Catfish (2.5, 2, 2.5, 2.5, 2, 1.5, 3, 4, 3).
01/20 - Haddon Lake/Audubon Lake - 61 Bluegills, 1 Pumpkinseed, 4 Common Carps.
01/21 - Upper Cooper River - 2 Yellow Perch, 6 Black Crappie (9 in. PB), 8 Bluegill, 2 Pumpkinseed, 12 Golden Shiner.


02/02 - Audubon Lake/Upper Cooper River - 2 Bluegill, 3 Black Crappie, 3 Golden Shiner, 1 Common Carp.
02/03 - Schuylkill River - 2 Channel Catfish (3.5, 1.5).
02/10 - Manayunk Canal - SKUNKED.
02/17 - Schuylkill River - 10 Catfish (4, 2.5, 4.5, 2.5, 2.0, 1.5, 9.5555!!!!! (27 inches), 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 4, 4).
02/24 - Schuylkill River - SKUNKED
02/28 - Meadow Lake - SKUNKED


03/02 - Schuylkill River - 1 Channel Catfish (3lber).
03/03 - Schuylkill River - 1 Channel Catfish (2lber)
03/07 - Manayunk Canal - SKUNKED
03/10 - Schuylkill River - 3 Channel Catfish (2, 1.5, 5.5lbs), 1 Eastern Silvery Minnow.
03/11 - Concourse/Centennial Lake - 5 Brown Bullhead (0.55 - 9 inches), 1 Bluegill.
03/13 - Newton Lake/Knight's Lake - 8 Bluegill, 1 Brown Bullhead.
03/14 - Tookany Creek/Kleinheinz Pond - 1 Spottail Shiner, 1 White Sucker.
03/15 - Tookany Creek - 11 White Suckers.
03/17 - Schuylkill River - 2 Channel Catfish (4, 1.25lb).
03/29 - Schuylkill River - SKUNKED
03/30 - Pennypack Creek - 9 Rainbow Trout.
03/31 - Pennypack Creek - 3 Rainbow Trout (12.5 inches!), 2 Brown Trout (14.5 inches!).


04/01 - Pennypack Creek - 3 Rainbow Trout.
04/04 - Pennypack Creek - 1 Rainbow Trout.
04/06 - Wissahickon Creek - 3 Rainbow Trout, 1 Golden Rainbow Trout.
04/07 - Haddon Lake - 3 Common Carp, 8 Bluegills, 2 Largemouth bass, 3 Yellow Bullhead, 1 Brook Trout.
04/08 - Schuylkill River - 1 Channel Catfish.
04/10 - Pennypack Creek - 1 Redbreast Sunfish, 1 Green Sunfish, 1 Rock Bass, 2 Brown Trout.
04/11 - Newton Creek/Knight's Lake - 58 Bluegill, 7 Black Crappie, 2 Brown Bullhead, 1 Channel Catfish (4.5lbs), 1 White Perch, 5 LMB, 1 Pumpkinseed.
04/13 - Schuylkill River - 10 Channel Catfish, 6 American Eels.
04/14 - Newton Lake/Knight's Lake - 36 Bluegills, 3 Largemouth Bass, 24 Black Crappies, 4 Brown Bullheads.
04/15 - Cooper River Lake - 47 Bluegills, 1 Green Sunfish.
04/18 - Linden Lake - 15 Bluegills, 1 Brown Bullhead, 2 Largemouth Bass, 9 Black Crappie.
04/21 - Silver Lake/Rowand's Lake/Lake Worth - 15 Bluegills, 8 Largemouth Bass, 2 Chain Pickerel.
04/24 - Hilliard's Creek/Linden Lake/Kirkwood Lake - 5 Brown Bullhead, 158 Bluegill, 15 Black Crappie, 25 Green Sunfish, 3 Pumpkinseed.
04/25 - Schuylkill River - 4 Largemouth Bass.
04/27 - Schuylkill River - 2 Channel Catfish.
04/28 - Core's Creek/Lake Luxembourg - 25 Bluegills, 1 Yellow Perch.
04/29 - Schuylkill River - 2 Hickory Shad, 2 Gizzard Shad, 2 Largemouth Bass, 1 Channel Catfish.


05/01 - Schuylkill River - 1 Largemouth Bass.
05/02 - Tacony Creek - 36 Redbreast Sunfish, 6 Spottail Shiner, 2 Creek Chub, 1 Bluegill, 16 Green Sunfish.
05/04 - Wissahickon Creek - 27 Redbreast Sunfish, 18 Rock Bass, 3 Smallmouth Bass, 1 Largemouth Bass.
05/05 - Tookany Creek - 2 Spottail Shiner, 12 Creek Chub, 2 Largemouth Bass, 2 Brown Bullhead, 1 White Sucker, 1 Bluegill, 15 Redbreast Sunfish, 1 Goldfish.
05/06 - Byberry Creek - 36 Redbreast Sunfish, 4 Common Shiner, 2 Spottail Shiner, 1 Pumpkinseed, 3 Mummichog, 6 banded Killifish, 1 Swallowtail Shiner, 1 Bluegill.
05/07 - Lake Luxembourg - 1 Green Sunfish, 1 Bluegill.
05/08 - Pennypack Creek - 1 Brown Trout.
05/09 - Schuylkill River - 4 Largemouth Bass, 1 Striped Bass.
05/11 - Meadow Lake - 1 Largemouth Bass, 1 Black Crappie, 5 Bluegills.
05/12 - Neshaminy Creek - 64 Rock Bass, 22 Redbreast Sunfish, 6 Green Sunfish, 1 Bluegill, 2 Black Crappie.
05/13 - Schuylkill River - 3 Largemouth Bass, 1 Smallmouth Bass.
05/15 - Byberry Creek - 10 Redbreast Sunfish, 4 Banded Killifish, 2 Swallowtail Shiner, 2 Creek Chub.
05/17 - Schuylkill River - 1 Channel Catfish, 1 Rock Bass, 1 American Shad.
05/18 - Schuylkill River - 2 American Shad.
05/19 - Manayunk Canal/Schuylkill River - 1 Largemouth Bass, 10 Bluegills, 2 Satinfin Shiner, 6 Green Sunfish.
05/20 - Newton Creek - 1 Pumpkinseed, 4 Bluegill, 2 Largemouth Bass, 1 Northern Snakehead.
05/21 - Neshaminy Creek - 1 Smallmouth Bass, 5 Green Sunfish.
05/22 - Schuylkill River - 7 Green Sunfish.
05/25 - Wissahickon Creek - 7 Redbreast Sunfish, 5 Rock Bass.
05/26 - Schuylkill River - 3 Channel Catfish.
05/27 - Delaware River - 8 White Perch.
05/28 - Schuylkill River - 1 Bluegill, 3 Channel Catfish.


06/01 - Schuylkill River - 1 Largemouth Bass, 2 White Perch, 12 Channel Catfish, 1 Flathead Catfish, 1 American Eel.
06/03 - Cooper River Lake - 1 Channel Catfish, 3 Yellow Bullhead, 1 White Catfish, 2 Common Carp (6.90lbs, 3.15lbs), 9 Bluegills, 2 Pumpkinseed, 2 Mummichogs, 1 American Eel.
06/04 - Tidal Pennypack Creek - 4 Redbreast Sunfish, 4 Mummichogs, 1 Green Sunfish, 14 White Perch, 5 Channel Catfish, 1 Common Carp (15.35lbs).
06/08 - Frankford Creek - 3 Channel Catfish, 2 White Perch, 1 Common Carp (20.67).
06/09 - Frankford Creek - 3 Channel Catfish, 2 Common Carp (8.06, 9.45).
06/10 - Dinosaur Lake - 12 Hybrid Sunfish, 1 Bluegill, 1 Brown Bullhead, 1 Yellow Bullhead.
06/12 - Concourse Lake/Schuylkill River - 2 Green Sunfish, 86 Bluegills, 1 Channel Catfish, 1 American Eel.
06/14 - Haddon Lake/Audubon Lake/Schuylkill River - 2 Channel Catfish.
06/16 - Schuylkill River - 1 White Catfish (4.58lbs - 0.04lbs BELOW the state record), 2 Channel Catfish, 2 American Eel, 2 White Perch.
06/17 - Dinosaur Lake - 8 Bluegill, 17 Green Sunfish, 3 Pumpkinseed, 182 Hybrid Sunfish, 1 Goldfish (0.75), 1 Shiner.
06/18 - Delaware River - 21 Bluegill, 3 Green Sunfish, 2 White Perch.
06/19 - Upper Cooper River/Wallworth Pond/Evans Pond/Driscoll Pond - 9 Bluegill, 3 Green Sunfish, 1 Pumpkinseed, 1 Common Carp, 3 Brown Bullhead, 2 Black Crappie, 1 White Catfish, 1 Channel Catfish, 3 White Perch.
06/20 - Delaware River - 25 Bluegill, 7 Pumpkinseed, 2 Green Sunfish, 2 Largemouth Bass.
06/22 - Crane's Lake - 1 Pumpkinseed, 4 Largemouth Bass, 1 Chain Pickerel.
06/24 - Frankford Creek - 4 Common Carp (3.5, 7.05, 9.76, 9.81).
06/26 - Newton Lake - 6 Largemouth Bass, 2 Northern Snakehead, 1 Bluegill.
06/28 - Pennypack Creek - 4 Green Sunfish, 4 Redbreast Sunfish, 1 Brown Bullhead.
06/29 - Manayunk Canal - 2 Common Carp (11.88, 8.50), 2 Largemouth Bass, 2 Bluegills.


07/03 - Newton Lake - 2 Largemouth Bass.
07/07 - Absecon Bay - SKUNKED
07/08 - Absecon Bay - SKUNKED
07/09 - Neshaminy Creek - 1 Bluegill, 5 Rock Bass, 7 green Sunfish, 12 Redbreast Sunfish.
07/10 - Tookany Creek - 2 Creek Chub, 3 Spottail Shiner, 4 Spotfin Shiner, 5 Redbreast Sunfish, 1 White Sucker, 1 Pumpkinseed, 1 Bluegill, 1 Banded Killifish.
07/13 - Schuylkill River - 1 Channel Catfish, 1 American Eel.
07/14 - Barnegat Bay - 3 Summer Flounder (Fluke).
07/15 - Byberry Creek - 7 Redbreast Sunfish, 1 Pumpkinseed, 1 Green Sunfish, 10 Mummichogs, 2 Banded Killifish, 1 Fallfish, 1 Spottail Shiner.

07/21 - Delaware River - 1 Bluegill, 1 Pumpkinseed, 1 Green Sunfish.
07/22 - Manayunk Canal - 2 Largemouth Bass.
07/23 - Delaware Canal - 10 Black Crappie, 1 Bluegill.
07/24 - Delaware River - 10 Bluegill, 1 Redbreast Sunfish, 1 Golden Shiner, 7 Green Sunfish.
07/31 - 17 Redbreast Sunfish, 8 Rock Bass, 15 Green Sunfish, 1 Pumpkinseed.


08/05 - Nameless Ponds (East Sandwich)/Cape Cod Canal - 5 Bergall, 2 Black Sea Bass.
08/06 - Lagoon Pond - 4 Scup, 1 Black Sea Bass.
08/07 - Cape Cod Canal/Little Stellwagen Basin - 10 Bergall.
08/11 - Absecon Bay Inlet - 3 Bluefish, 5 Black Sea Bass, 1 Atlantic Croaker, 1 Fluke (Summer Flounder), 2 Bergall.
08/12 - Absecon Bay Inlet - 1 Tautog, 3 Spot Croaker, 15 Atlantic Croaker, 1 Bergall, 5 Black Sea Bass.
08/13 - Absecon Bay Inlet - 1 Northern Puffer, 1 Bluefish, 3 Atlantic Croaker, 7 Black Sea Bass, 1 Bergall.
08/14 - Newton Lake/Knight's Lake - 1 Pumpkinseed, 4 Bluegill, 1 Western Mosquitofish, 1 Channel Catfish, 1 Largemouth Bass.
08/18 - Schuylkill River - 5 Bluegill, 1 Yellow Perch, 3 White Perch, 2 Channel Catfish, 1 American Eel.
08/20 - Neshaminy Creek - 1 Pumpkinseed, 1 Bluegill, 5 Green Sunfish, 2 Rock Bass, 25 Redbreast Sunfish, 2 Largemouth Bass.
08/23 - Schuylkill River - SKUNKED
08/24 - Schuylkill River - SKUNKED
08/26 - Schuylkill River - 8 Bluegills, 1 GreenSunfish, 4 Flathead Catfish.
08/28 - Schuylkill River - 5 Bluegills, 1 Green Sunfish, 1 Largemouth Bass, 5 Flathead Catfish.


09/04 - Schuylkill River - 3 Channel Catfish.

09/07 - Schuylkill River - 12 Bluegills.

09/08 - Hopkins Pond/Wallworth Lake/Upper Cooper River/Evans Lake - 96 Bluegill, 7 Pumpkinseed, 2 Bluegill X Green Sunfish, 1 Pumpkinseed X Green Sunfish, 1 White Perch, 1 Yellow Perch, 3 Largemouth Bass, 1 Channel Catfish, 12 Brown Bullheads, 1 American Eel, 3 Black Crappie, 2 Eastern Mosquito Fish.

09/23 - Schuylkill River - 2 American Shad, 1 Striped Bass.
09/29 - Schuylkill River - 7 Channel Catfish.


10/01 - Schuylkill River/Manayunk Canal - 4 Largemouth Bass, 1 Smallmouth Bass.

10/04 - Schuylkill River - 3 Largemouth Bass.

10/06 - Schuylkill River/Manayunk Canal - 1 Largemouth Bass, 1 Smallmouth Bass.

10/07 - Schuylkill River - 1 Largemouth Bass, 1 Smallmouth Bass.
10/09 - Pennypack Creek - 2 Rainbow Trout, 1 Smallmouth Bass, 3 Redbreast Sunfish.
10/13 - Pennypack Creek - 4 Rainbow Trout, 1 Smallmouth Bass, 1 Spotted Bass, 1 Green Sunfish, 5 Redbreast Sunfish.
10/14 - Pennypack Creek - 3 Rainbow Trout.
10/21 - Schuylkill River - SKUNKED.
10/23 - Linden Lake - 1 Largemouth Bass, 17 Black Crappie, 5 Bluegill.
10/28 - Schuylkill River - 1 American Eel.
10/30 - Schuylkill River - 1 American Eel.


11/02 - Delaware River - SKUNKED.

11/03 - Cooper River Lake/Audubon Lake - 2 Common Carp (3.5, 6.5lbs).
11/13 - Upper Cooper River - 5 Black Crappie, 1 Brown Bullhead.
11/16 - Delaware River - SKUNKED.
11/17 - Schuylkill River - SKUNKED.
11/25 - Manayunk Canal - SKUNKED.
11/26 - Linden Lake/Kirkwood Lake - 6 Bluegill.


12/04 - Schuylkill River - SKUNKED.

12/05 - Schuylkill River - 2 Channel Catfish.

12/07 - Linden Lake - 2 Chain Pickerel, 2 Bluegill.

12/20 - Upper Cooper River - 2 Black Crappie, 1 Bluegill.
12/22 - Newton Lake - 1 Black Crappie, 4 Bluegill, 1 Brown Bullhead.
12/30 - Pennypack Creek - SKUNKED.



01/13 - Schuylkill River - SKUNKED.
01/29 - Upper Cooper River/Evans Lake/Wallworth Pond - SKUNKED.


02/21 - Schuylkill River - SKUNKED.
02/23 - Schuylkill River - 1 Channel Catfish (4.05lbs -- 20 inches).


03/07 - Schuylkill River - SKUNKED.

03/08 - Schuylkill River - 1 Channel Catfish (5.57lbs -- 34 inches).

03/09 - Newton Lake/Cooper River Lake - SKUNKED.

03/15 - Schuylkill River - SKUNKED.
03/19 - Tookany Creek - 3 Spottail Shiner (4 inches max).
03/20 - Linden Lake - SKUNKED.
03/22 - Schuylkill River/Manayunk Canal - 1 Largemouth Bass (1lber).
03/29 - Pennypack Creek - 12 Rainbow Trout.


04/02 - Pennypack Creek - 6 Rainbow Trout (12 - 0.90lbs), 2 Brown Trout (11 - 0.50).
04/04 - Pennypack Creek - 6 Rainbow Trout (0.7, 0.63, 0.33, 0.5, 0.6, 0.77 -- 12, 12, 9.5, 10.5, 11, 12.5), 1 Brown Trout (2.11, 16.5), 1 White Sucker (2.02, 17).
04/06 - Haddon Lake - 3 Brown Trout, 20 Bluegills, 1 Bluegill X Green Sunfish Hybrid.
04/11 - Schuylkill River - SKUNKED.
04/12 - Schuylkill River - 1 Common Carp (8.13lbs).
04/13 - Schuylkill River - SKUNKED.
04/18 - Lake Luxembourg/Core Creek - 6 Bluegill, 1 Yellow Perch, 3 Brown Bullheads, 2 Green Sunfish.
04/19 - James River - 4 Blue Catfish, 1 Striped Bass.
04/20 - Meadow Lake - 1 Largemouth Bass, 1 Northern Snakehead, 11 Bluegill, 1 American Eel.
04/21 - Meadow Lake - 1 Northern Snakehead, 8 Bluegill.
04/25 - Newton Lake - 1 Warmouth, 9 Largemouth Bass, 8 Black Crappie, 2 Bluegill.
04/26 - Cooper River Lake - 1 Brown Bullhead, 1 Common Carp, 3 Bluegills, 1 Black Crappie.


05/05 - Pennypack Creek - 1 Brown Trout, 6 Rainbow Trout, 10 Redbreast Sunfish.
05/10 - Pennypack Creek - 1 Rainbow Trout.
05/14 - Linden Lake/Kirkwood Lake - 1 Green Sunfish, 2 Largemouth Bass, 7 Black Crappie, 6 Bluegill, 1 Brown Bullhead.
05/15 - Schuylkill River - 7 White Perch, 10 Channel Catfish, 4 American Eel.
05/18 - Newton Lake - 4 Bluegills, 1 Largemouth Bass.
05/19 - Schuylkill River - 1 Common Carp, 1 Channel Catfish, 2 Flathead Catfish, 1 American Eel.
05/20 - Absecon Bay Inlet - 5 Tautog, 28 Bergall.
05/21 - Delaware Canal/Buck Creek - 15 Bluegill, 1 Pumpkinseed, 3 Largemouth Bass, 4 Rainbow Trout, 2 Chain Pickerel.
05/26 - Swatara Creek - 4 Smallmouth Bass, 9 Fallfish.
05/29 - D&R Canal/Brock Creek - 3 Redbreast Sunfish, 7 Bluegill, 2 Largemouth Bass.


06/03 - Barnegat Bay - SKUNKED.
06/04 - Wissahickon Creek - 1 Largemouth Bass, 4 Rock Bass, 3 Smallmouth Bass, 3 Redbreast Sunfish. 
06/09 - Schuylkill River - 1 Flathead Catfish, 2 Channel Catfish. 
06/10 - Absecon Bay Inlet - 10 Tautog, 1 Bluntnose Stingray, 2 Northern Kingfish, 2 Dusky smooth-hound, 1 Summer Flounder, 15 Bergall. 
06/11 - Magnolia Lake/D&L Canal/Martins Creek/Falls Township - 6 Bluegill, 1 Largemouth Bass. 
06/12 - Mill Creek (Bristol)/Silver Lake/Magnolia Lake - 8 Bluegill, 1 Pumpkinseed, 1 Channel Catfish, 7 Redbreast Sunfish. 
06/16 - Schuylkill River - 8 Flathead Catfish, 1 Channel Catfish. 
06/18 - Delaware Canal/Buck Creek - 4 Largemouth Bass, 1 Northern Snakehead, 3 Bluegill, 1 Black Crappie, 1 Chain Pickerel. 
06/19 - Neshaminy Creek - 1 Common Carp. 
06/22 - Tacony Creek/Tookany Creek - 1 Bluegill, 1 Green Sunfish, 4 Redbreast Sunfish, 3 Creek Chub, 1 Spotfin Shiner, 1 Largemouth Bass. 
06/27 - Darby Creek/Hoy's Pond - 2 White Perch, 3 Largemouth Bass, 5 Bluegill, 1 Redbreast Sunfish. 
06/29 - Ridley Park Lake - 1 Common Carp, 2 Brown Bullhead. 
06/30 - Schuylkill River - 4 Common Carp. 


07/06 - Schuylkill River - 1 Channel Catfish.
07/07 - Brandywine Creek - 1 Green Sunfish, 2 Redbreast Sunfish, 1 Smallmouth Bass.
07/08 - Neshaminy Creek/Pond Next to Neshaminy Creek - 1 Largemouth Bass, 1 Common Carp.
07/10 - Delaware Canal/Buck Creek - 1 Black Crappie, 1 Redbreast Sunfish, 1 Green Sunfish, 4 Largemouth Bass.
07/14 - Newton Lake/Newton Creek - 2 Northern Snakehead, 2 Green Sunfish, 5 Redbreast Sunfish, 5 Bluegill, 1 Pumpkinseed, 2 Largemouth Bass.
07/16 - Newton Lake - 1 Bluegill.
07/17 - Delaware River - 3 Channel Catfish.
07/20 - Schuylkill River - 1 Smallmouth Bass, 1 Largemouth Bass.


08/12 - Lake Nockamixon - 3 Bluegill.
08/23 - Schuylkill River - SKUNKED.
08/25 - Schuylkill River/Manayunk Canal - 1 Green Sunfish, 8 Smallmouth Bass, 5 Bluegill.
08/27 - Schuylkill River - 3 Striped Bass, 3 Channel Catfish, 1 Bluegill.
08/29 - Schuylkill River - 4 Redbreast Sunfish, 5 Bluegill, 8 Smallmouth Bass, 1 Rock Bass.
08/31 - Newton Lake/Newton Creek - 4 Largemouth Bass, 3 Redbreast Sunfish, 18 Bluegill, 1 Green Sunfish.


09/06 - Schuylkill River - 1 Striped Bass.
09/07 - Pennypack Creek - 2 Creek Chub, 1 Redbreast Sunfish, 1 Pumpkinseed, 1 Smallmouth Bass, 1 Rock Bass.
09/19 - Delaware Canal/Buck Creek - 2 Redbreast Sunfish, 1 Common carp, 2 Bluegill, 2 largemouth Bass.
09/21 - Schuylkill River - 3 Channel Catfish, 1 Bluegill.
09/27 - Upper Cooper River/Wallworth Lake - 1 Green Sunfish X Bluegill Hybrid, 1 Pumpkinseed, 5 Bluegill, 7 Black Crappie, 1 Yellow Perch, 25 Largemouth Bass, 11 Gizzard Shad. 


10/01 - Wissahickon Creek - 5 Redbreast Sunfish, 1 Largemouth Bass, 3 Smallmouth Bass, 2 Rock Bass.
10/04 - Schuylkill River - Skunked.
10/08 - Upper Cooper River/Wallworth Lake/Driscoll Pond - 6 Black Crappie, 7 Bluegill, 7 Largemouth Bass, 1 Green Sunfish, 1 Pumpkinseed, 3 Green Sunfish X Bluegill Hybrid, 1 Brown Bullhead.
10/10 - Pennypack Creek - 8 Rainbow Trout, 1 Brown Trout.
10/11 - Pennypack Creek - 1 Redbreast Sunfish, 1 Smallmouth Bass, 1 Pumpkinseed.
10/12 - Pennypack Creek/Mills Creek - 8 Creek Chub, 1 White Sucker, 1 Brown Trout, 1 Brook Trout.
10/13 - Pennypack Creek - 3 Rainbow Trout.
10/18 - Schuylkill River - 7 Channel Catfish.
10/24 - East Branch Brandywine Creek - 3 Redbreast Sunfish, 2 Rock Bass, 2 Smallmouth Bass, 1 Green Sunfish X Bluegill Hybrid, 1 Bluegill X Redbreast Sunfish Hybrid, 5 Bluegill, 1 Black Crappie.
10/26 - Cobbs Creek - 7 Redbreast Sunfish, 2 Creek Chub, 7 Unknown Minnows.
10/29 - Schuylkill River - Skunked.
10/31 - Poquessing Creek - 2 Swallowtail Shiner, 4 Spottail Shiner, 1 Creek Chub.


11/01 - Potomac River - 3 Blue Catfish, 1 Smallmouth Bass, 1 Channel Catfish.
11/07 - Schuylkill River - 6 Channel Catfish.
11/10 - Wissahickon Creek - 7 Redbreast Sunfish.
11/15 - Upper Cooper River - 3 Black Crappie.
11/20 - Upper Cooper River - Skunked.
11/24 - Meadow Lake - 4 Common Carp, 1 Mirror Carp.


12/01 - Meadow Lake - 3 Common Carp.



01/25 - Schuylkill River - 1 Channel Catfish (4.85lbs).


02/04 - Upper Cooper River/Wallworth Lake - Skunked.
02/08 - Schuylkill River - 1 Channel Catfish.
02/09 - Meadow Lake - Skunked.


03/02 - Schuylkill River - Skunked.
03/09 - Schuylkill River - Skunked.
03/11 - Schuylkill River - Skunked.
03/15 - Great Egg Harbor Bay/Atsion Lake - Skunked.
03/16 - Linden Lake/Kirkwood Lake - 20 Bluegill.
03/17 - Oyster Creek/Vincetown Millpond - Skunked.
03/20 - Schuylkill River - 2 Channel Catfish, 1 American Eel.
03/21 - Silver Lake - Skunked.
03/31 - Mill Creek - 2 Rainbow Trout.


04/02 - Tacony Creek - 7 Creek Chub, 4 Common Shiner, 8 Redbreast Sunfish, 2 Spottail Shiner, 1 White Sucker.
04/03 - Schuylkill River - 1 Channel Catfish.
04/04 - Pennypack Creek - 4 Rainbow Trout, 1 Brown Trout.
04/05 - Pennypack Creek - 4 Rainbow Trout, 1 Brown Trout.
04/06 - Pennypack Creek/East Branch Brandywine Creek - 7 Rainbow Trout.
04/07 - Pennypack Creek - 4 Rainbow Trout, 1 Brown Trout.
04/08 - Pennypack Creek - 3 Rainbow Trout.
04/09 - Pennypack Creek - 2 Rainbow Trout.
04/10 - Stony Creek - 7 Rainbow Trout.
04/14 - Wissahickon Creek - 6 Redbreast Sunfish, 4 Rock Bass, 1 Bluegill, 1 Smallmouth Bass.
04/15 - Delaware Canal - 5 Rainbow Trout, 1 Pumpkinseed, 1 Bluegill X Green Sunfish Hybrid, 2 Green Sunfish.
04/16 - Schuylkill River - Skunked.
04/17 - Newton Lake/Haddon Lake - 1 Largemouth Bass, 23 Bluegill, 6 Black Crappie, 1 White Perch.
04/23 - Delaware River - Skunked.
04/24 - Delaware River - Skunked.
04/25 - Frankford Creek - Skunked.
04/28 - Schuylkill River - 1 Striped Bass, 1 White Perch, 5 Channel Catfish (biggest at 5.5lbs 23 inches).
04/30 - Newton Lake - 7 Pumpkinseed, 32 Bluegill, 4 Largemouth Bass, 3 White Perch, 1 Goldfish X Common Carp Hybrid.


05/01 - Schuylkill River - Skunked.
05/02 - Darby Creek/Schuylkill River - Skunked.
05/05 - Barnegat Bay - Skunked.
05/06 - Delaware Canal - 1 Chain Pickerel, 4 Largemouth Bass, 2 Rainbow Trout, 1 Green Sunfish X Bluegill Hybrid, 1 Green Sunfish, 3 Bluegill.
05/07 - Schuylkill River - 1 Flathead Catfish, 1 Channel Catfish, 6 Bluegill, 1 Pumpkinseed.
05/12 - East Branch Brandywine Creek - 1 Spotfin Shiner, 2 Redbreast Sunfish, 4 Rock Bass, 1 Largemouth Bass, 4 Rainbow Trout, 1 Brown Trout, 1 Fallfish, 1 Bluegill.
05/14 - Absecon Bay - 7 Bluefish, 2 Clearnose Skate, 2 Bergall, 1 Tautog.
05/15 - Newton Lake - Skunked.
05/16 - Schuylkill River - Skunked.
05/19 - Schuylkill River/Manayunk Canal - 1 Bluegill, 1 Largemouth Bass, 5 Smallmouth Bass.
05/21 - Pennypack Creek - 1 Smallmouth Bass, 2 Redbreast Sunfish, 1 Brown Trout.
05/26 - Schuylkill River - 1 American Eel.
05/27 - Schuylkill River - 5 Smallmouth Bass.
05/28 - Meadow Lake - 2 Black Crappie, 1 Largemouth Bass.
05/30 - Schuylkill Canal - 4 Green Sunfish, 1 Largemouth Bass, 2 Bluegill, 2 Smallmouth Bass.


06/03 - Cooper River - 3 White Catfish, 1 White Perch.
06/04 - Schuylkill River - 1 Channel Catfish, 2 American Eel.
06/06 - Loch Alsh Reservoir - 1 Pumpkinseed, 1 Largemouth Bass.
06/10 - Meadow Lake - 2 Largemouth Bass, 2 Black Crappie, 1 Common Carp, 4 Bluegill.
06/11 - Little Mantua Creek/Meadow Lake - 7 Black Crappie, 5 White perch, 2 Bluegill, 3 Mummichog.
06/14 - Lake Florence - 4 Sunfish (not yet identified), 2 Largemouth Bass.
06/15 - Lake Florence - 6 Sunfish (not yet identified).
06/17 - Lake Florence - 1 Largemouth Bass, 2 Sunfish (not yet identified).
06/24 - Schuylkill River - 1 Bluegill, 3 Smallmouth Bass, 1 Striped Bass, 2 Channel Catfish, 1 Redbreast Sunfish.
06/28 - Wallworth Pond/Hopkins Pond/Driscoll Pond/Upper Cooper River/Alverthorpe Lake - 5 Green Sunfish X Bluegill Hybrid, 2 Green Sunfish, 8 Bluegill, 1 Black Crappie, 3 Largemouth Bass, 1 Spotted Bass, 2 Brown Bullhead, 1 White Catfish, 3 Pumpkinseed.
06/30 - Absecon Inlet - 7 Bergall, 9 Black Sea Bass.


07/03 - Newton Lake/Newton Creek - 15 Bluegill, 1 Pumpkinseed, 3 Redbreast Sunfish, 1 Largemouth Bass.
07/04 - Nameless Lake/Pennsauken Creek/Falls Township Lake - 12 Bluegill, 1 White Perch, 4 Largemouth Bass, 1 Redbreast Sunfish, 1 Green Sunfish.
07/05 - Pennypack Creek/Moreland Pond - 78 Bluegill, 5 Redbreast Sunfish, 3 Rock Bass, 2 Smallmouth Bass, 1 Rainbow Trout, 2 Green Sunfish, 1 Pumpkinseed, 2 Largemouth Bass.
07/09 - Unnamed Pond at Rohm & Hass - 4 Bluegill.
07/10 - Meadow Lake - Skunked.
07/11 - Haddon Lake/Cooper River Lake - 1 Largemouth Bass.
07/12 - Silver Lake/Lake Worth/Hammonton Lake/Atlantic Ocean - 15 Bluegill, 2 Pumpkinseed, 1 Largemouth Bass, 2 Chain Pickerel, 1 Cownose Ray.
07/17 - Schuylkill River - 3 Smallmouth Bass, 2 Rock Bass, 2 Green Sunfish.
07/18 - Schuylkill River - 45 White Perch, 3 Striped Bass, 1 American Eel, 9 Channel Catfish.
07/20 - Frankford Creek - 1 Common Carp, 2 Channel Catfish.
07/23 - Schuylkill River - 5 Bluegill, 1 Redbreast Sunfish, 1 Green Sunfish, 5 Smallmouth Bass, 1 Spotted Bass.
07/24 - LBI/Barnegat Inlet - 7 Black Seabass, 3 Bergall.
07/25 - Schuylkill River - 1 Green Sunfish, 2 Bluegill, 2 Smallmouth Bass.
07/28 - Absecon Inlet - 1 Northern Sea Robbin, 25 Black Sea Bass, 7 Summer Flounder.
07/29 - Schuylkill River - Skunked.
07/31 - Schuylkill River - 6 Channel Catfish.


08/05 - Unnamed Ponds at Fort Mifflin - Skunked.

08/06 - Centennial Lake/Concourse Lake - 3 Bluegill, 3 Green Sunfish, 1 Pumpkinseed.
08/09 - Delaware River/The Giving Pond - 5 Bluegill.
08/11 - Schuylkill River - 2 Channel Catfish.
08/12 - Hammonton Lake - 7 Largemouth Bass, 5 Bluegill, 3 Pumpkinseed.
08/15 - Susquehanna River/Sassafras River/Unicorn Mill Pond - 7 White Perch, 2 Brown Bullhead, 3 Channel Catfish, 5 Bluegill, 3 Redbreast Sunfish, 2 Green Sunfish.

Note: This log is updated every often or so.

In reality, my basic log above plus my photos tell me a whole lot already! For example: it's through these that I know when the Spot Croaker will start migrating to the Schuylkill River on Fall; when the Largemouth Bass start to feed and spawn during Spring; when the Catfish are most active annually; etc.

Therefore, as I stated before, there are definitely many different benefits in creating and sustaining a fishing log. It's super helpful! Plus, it's easy to do so: it only takes a couple minutes per fishing session. That's why I highly encourage everyone to start their own little "fishing diary."

Best of luck for all of us!

Long Days and Pleasant Nights, 


Leo S.