
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Reports (Mike H.): Schuylkill River, PA

Follow my Facebook page for updates on every single one of my fishing sessions:
There are fishes around us! Follow my Statistical Chart for 2012 for my catches during this year:

Mike's report of the Schuylkill River on April 26th. Enjoy!

Written by Mike Hsiao. - edited by Leo S.
Hey guys! First off, I caught the frog below with my girlfriend last weekend while I was fishing at Haddon Lake. It was caught with a Zoom horny toad at the lily pads. the Skuke. I fished there from 5 to 8 p.m. today, and didn't catch a single fish. I had a couple bites, but couldn't hook into any fish. I tried fishing for Stripers, Smallmouth, and Largemouth with no success at all. However, Vince managed to catch this chunky 2lbs Smallmouth Bass fishing a KVD 1.5 Squarebill Crankbait. As the sun went down, the "Crappie Master," Mike (not me!), showed up and "reaffirmed" his name. In a matter of half an hour, he caught 4 crappie from the same spot - the biggest one pictured below: a solid 11 inch Slab.
Pictures are below: 

Frog caught at Haddon Lake, NJ

Vince with his 2lber Smallmouth Bass

From another angle...

Mike, "Crappie Master," with his 11inch Slab.

When I first started fishing the Schuylkill River, I had no idea that LMB, SMB, and Crappies were present at the River. At that point, I didn't even believe that that was possible. When people commented on it, I just thought: "Man, this guy must be bullshitting me..."

It was only later, after doing tons of research and field trips, that I had realized that I was simply being simple-minded. Therefore, I had learned my lesson: to never take anything for granted; at least not before looking things up and having my own certainties.

Beautiful fishes, Mike and Vince! Keep it going...May is certainly one of the best months for fishing...and time is running!

Best luck for all of us!

Long Days and Pleasant Nights,


Leo S.