
Monday, April 16, 2012

Recent Catches - Snakehead, Striper, Bass, Crappie...

Heya, People! Short post today with some pictures of recent catches! Many thanks to the contributors: Mike, Rob, Lawrence, and Kevin.

Later this week, there will be a full detailed post of the Kirkwood Lake in Lindenwold, NJ. That place has too many secrets, believe me!

For now, enjoy:

Mike holding his 1.7lbs Snakehead at FDR. I guess by now, there are no more excuses, right? If you ain't catching 'em, hmmm...They are certainly there, and active from times to times.

 Rob with his 1.8lbs Large Mouth Bass, also caught at the FDR recently on a top water lure.

 Another view of the fish - the mouth. It's interesting how big it's, isn't it?

 Rob holding his LMB, just like a gangsta. Don't let him intimidate you, though - he's a nice guy! (if you don't mess up with him, of course...)

 Kevin, one of the Blog readers, got this 4.5 Bass somewhere in NY. He had a very productive day at that lake recently, catching more than a dozen of them. The average weight was between 3-4 lbs. Good stuff! Keep going, Kevin!

 Rob holding his monster Calico Bass from the FDR Park. There are not as many of them as before, but the ones that are still there are big! Small populations, but huge in size. Nice one, Rob!

 Another picture of the same Black Crappie. Now you have something to compare it with.

 Lawrence; Mike's friend, has been catching White Crappies on Columbia Lake in MD recently! Nice sizes, and beautiful colours too. Nice, Lawrence!
A picture of another White Crappie from Columbia Lake.

Alright...Back to classes at college. Now you guys know what I do over my breaks, other than studying, huh? Haha

Note: I forgot to post a picture of a 2.5lb Striped Bass that Mike got recently at the Schuylkill. I'll edit it tonight!

Best of luck for all of us,

Stay tuned for the Kirkwood update that is coming soon! It's a beautiful place, and worth fishing for.

Long Days and Pleasant Nights,


Leo S.
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