
Sunday, May 17, 2015

April Fishing Sessions: 04/28: Fishing for Striped Bass and Channel Catfish on the Tidal Schuylkill River (Philadelphia, PA)

Hello, FB Readers! 

I'm pretty sure that you guys have noticed the new tab on the right of the page already. Heh. I've added a new photo gadget entitled "Latest Public Album Entry on FB." Therefore, from now onward, the latest photo update on the FB Public Album will be presented here as well. If you are interested in submitting your photos to the Public Album, please click here for more details. Keep 'em coming, readers... :)

Here is my report for April 28th:

--- April 28th, 2015 ---

Location: Tidal Schuylkill River (@Spring Garden, Philadelphia, PA)
Time: 11:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m.

Fishes caught:

-- 1 Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis)
-- 1 White Perch (Morone americana)
-- 5 Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)


Below are the highlights for this fishing session:

The video is about twenty-six minutes long. A brief introduction and setup overview is given in the first six minutes of the video. At the end of the video, there are two extra short clips for "Things that you don't see when you stay at home." Don't forget to watch it in HD (1080p50)! If you enjoy watching my videos, please support the YouTube Channel by liking and subscribing. :) 


After failing miserably at the Delaware River for Striped Bass, I shifted my goals to the Schuylkill River in Center City. My goal for the day was to try catching some Striped Bass at a spot that I had never been to before -- a sandy flat by the Spring Garden Bridge. 


I used three rods for this fishing session. The first setup consisted of a Cortland Endurance 9' noodle rod with a Shimano Symetre 4000FL and 12lbs Berkley Vanish Fluorocarbon line. The second setup was a heavy action Daiwa Samurai rod + reel with 20lbs Berkley Vanish Fluorocarbon line. Both setups were rigged with a 2 oz. egg sinker, a medium sized Eagle Claw golden snap-swivel, and a snelled 7/0 Gamakatsu octopus hook.

The third setup consisted of a high-low rig: two snelled #4-#6 Eagle Claw j-hooks on a three way swivel (about 1 foot apart from each other) and a 2 oz. river sinker on the bottom.  

Throughout my fishing session, I used the following types of bait: bloodworms, bunker, and salted clam.


Taking the spring run in consideration, I decided to pick a narrower spot on the Schuylkill River with the logic that the fish must pass there in order to spawn. After looking through Google Maps and Google Earth, I reached the conclusion that the sandy flat at Spring Garden was my best option. 

I arrived there around 11:30 a.m., catching the high-to-low tide. I setup my rods with bunker and left-over blooworms. Just in case, I had salted clams as well. Soon after, the first hit came: my first Striped Bass of the day! Unfortunately, that was also the last one of the day. Heh. For the rest of the day, I had multiple Channel Catfish bites -- my biggest one being a 23 incher, 5.5lber. I also ended up landing a big female White Perch full of eggs, which I decided to release (recall -- gotta preserve fish fitness in the sport). 

Even though I landed only one small Striper, overall, it was a very productive day on the River! 


A nice scenic view of the River. On the backgroud: the Spring Garden Bridge.

First fish of the day: a juvenile Striped Bass (~2 years old). Despite its size, a beautiful fish! 

A "big mama" full of eggs! I hope this White Perch finished its job. Heh. 

3.5lber Channel Catfish on a piece of Bunker.

A nice view of my three rods during low tide. 

"Things that you don't see when you stay at home:" A Groundhog eating some greenery on the banks of the Schuylkill River! Gorgeous creature.

"Things that you don't see when you stay at home:" Radioactive stuff on the River? After digging through the sand, I still had absolutely no idea what was that! In the end, it was just a heavy silver container with no lid whatsoever. Very very suspicious...It had a number "5" and a recycle symbol on it.

A view of the same object. It was buried pretty deep in the sands of the Schuylkill River. Hopefully one of you folks can tell me what this is...

Best of luck for all of us,

Long Days and Pleasant Nights,


Leo S.

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