
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Submit your Fish Photos to the EPF Facebook Page!

Hello, Blog Readers!
After a long time, I've finally started a "Public Fish Gallery!"

One of the major joys in the sport of fishing is photographing your own catches! It's well known that it's a lot of fun to view other people's fishes. If I were to throw Sociology in our field, I would say that the "sharing photos" part is an angler's way of socializing among his kinfolk. A lot of anglers just like to share their photos: either to brag about a big or rare fish, to share the knowledge among the local fishing community; etc.

A good photograph can bring back so many memories of those "good old times!" It's definitely a memo of a lifetime. Not only that, photos can be a good memory for your future generations as well. As an example, below is a photo that was shared to me by my friend Bryan KL:

The photo portrays Bryan's grandfather (left) in Buffalo, NY, with a string full of fish! The photo was taken in 1916 -- almost a century ago!   

With these thoughts in mind, I opened a "Public Fish Gallery" on the Facebook Page, where readers from the Blog and Facebook Page will be able to submit their fish photos for the open public! "Unusual" photos are even more encouraging, meaning photos that portray a rare Species of fish in the region.

If you wish to submit a photo, you have two options: (1) please send the photo by message, through the Extreme Philly Fishing FB Page, or (2) send it directly by e-mail via

Notice that this "Public Fish Gallery" will be very organized! If you plan to submit your photos, just follow the guidelines BELOW (you can also find those guidelines on the album's definition):

In your e-mail/message, please include:

- the name of the person holding the fish (First & last name. Your name will be shown as: i.e. Leo S.)
- the DATE when the picture was taken. (i.e. Match 13th, 2013; 05/05/12)
- the name of the general body of water. (i.e. Schuylkill River, Delaware River)
- the fish Species (i.e. Brown Bullhead, Bluegill, Pumpkinseed)

Please, keep in mind that the following will NOT be put in this folder:

- any pictures with blood in it.
- any pictures portraying poor fish handling.
- any pictures with offensive sign language.
- any pictures without all the information above (name, date, species, body of water)
- any pictures that portray fish from "far away lands." (West NJ and its shore is okay)
- recurring pictures of the same person with same Species of fish.

If you don't have a Facebook account, I highly recommend you to create one. It's easy, free of charge, and you don't necessarily need to use it if you don't like Facebook. You can just put the minimum necessary information there and upload a weird profile photo. Without a Facebook account, I don't think one is able to access all the contents of the Facebook page. 

Keep in mind that your photo will be portraying you as a role model for other anglers! That's why poor fish handling and blood are definitely not permitted. Here are some examples of poor fish handling: lipping a big Largemouth Bass single-handed (not healthy for the fish's jaw), holding a fish with pliers, placing hands in the fish's gills, a picture of a fish with a swallowed hook, etc.

You will also be contributing for the community, scientifically speaking. After all, it's always good to know which Species of fish are "where" and "when." Please keep in mind that just because the general public will be able to see your photos, it doesn't mean that they will be able to catch your fish. A lot of members in the fishing community tend to be secretive over their catches, but there's absolutely no reason to do so. Heh.

After a submitted photo is placed on the folder, keep in mind that everyone will be able to comment on it. If you followed all the guidelines above, you shouldn't get any negative comments! So, don't be afraid of being criticized. The EPF Facebook Page is not like a forum (people tend to criticize a lot on forums). =)

Well...Happy Submitting and Happy Viewing!

Best of luck for all of us,

Long Days and Pleasant Nights,


Leo S.