
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Results of the 2nd Catfish Tourney on the Banks (Tidal Schuylkill River)

Hello, Readers!
I'm bringing you guys the results of the 2nd Catfish Tourney on the Banks that was held on the Schuylkill Banks (tidal Schuylkill River) on the 23rd, from 9-3 p.m. It was very hot and humid (max of 90F), but all participants were able to endure all six hours of the competition.
The number of participants increased dramatically in comparison to the first Catfish Tourney on the Banks! I had less than 10 participants for the first competition. 24 participants registered for the second tourney, and it was a blast! 90 fish were caught from 9-3 p.m., totaling 143.81lbs of pure Catfish! I guess the word is spreading out. =)
The results are below, and they were posted a couple days on the EPF's Facebook page as well:
The winners of the second Catfish Tourney on the Banks: 1st place and big fish - Ronald L. Jackson (with his son on the left), 2nd place - Kevin Weyl (with his friend Big Jim on the left), and 3rd place - Keith Smith (with his cousin, perhaps, on the right). Pictures are at the end of the post.

The prizes were as it follows:
1st - $154+Trophy
2nd - $115+Trophy
3rd - $77+Trophy
Big Fish - $38+Trophy
Smallest Fish - Surprise prize: donation by participant Chris Jones for a $25 gift card for the Roosevelt Pub located on 23rd and Walnut. Thanks, Chris! You guys should stop by there one of these days - Chris is a nice guy, and the place is good to chill.

20% of all proceedings ($96) went to the nonprofit organization "Recycled Fish" (you can read about their mission here)
. All participants that gave me a valid e-mail address will receive a confirmation e-mail about the donation.

The ranking for all 24 participants is below:

Ronald L. J. - 21.75 (5.44, 4.56, 4.36, 3.85, 3.54)
Kevin W. - 14.65 (3.41, 3.10, 2.79, 2.75, 2.60)
Keith Jr - 11.90 (3.30, 2.51, 2.13, 2.05, 1.91)
Jose N. - 10.03
Keith Sr. - 9.85lbs
Michael M. - 9.06lbs
Ronald D. L. J. - 8.62lbs
Donald G. - 6.35lbs
Daniel G. - 5.50lbs
Steve C. - 3.85lbs
Ralph O. - 3.82lbs
Thomas B. - 3.76lbs
Chris J. - 3.6lbs
Linda Z. - 3.52lbs
Steven G. - 2.80lbs
Matthew - 2.78lbs
Marcus Q. - 2.78lbs
George T. - 2.26lbs
Patrick G. - 1.52lbs
Blaise F. - 1.21lbs
Michael M. - 0.63lbs
Kathleen S. - 0.00lbs
Michael S. - 0.00lbs
Vince A. - 0.00lbs
And here are the pictures taken during the competition:
Participant Patrick G. with a Channel Catfish.

Participant Keith S.'s teammate with a Channel Catfish. Each adult participant (16+) has a right to bring another person (15-) as a teammate. The 2 rods per person/team rule still applies, though.  

Participant Ronald D.L. J. with a Channel Catfish caught under the Walnut Street Bridge.

Participant Steven C. with a Channel Catfish caught at the end of the trail, close to Locust street.

Participant Keith S. (2nd Place) with a Channel Catfish, caught under the Chestnut Street Bridge.

Participant Steven G. with a Channel Catfish caught between Locust and Walnut.

Participant Matthew G. with a Channel Catfish caught at the end of Locust street.

Participant Ralph O. with a Channel Catfish caught between Chestnut and Walnut.

Participant Michael M. with a Channel Catfish caught between Walnut and Chestnut.

Participant Kevin W. (1st place in the 1st Catfish Tourney, and 2nd Place in the 2nd Catfish Tourney) with a Channel Catfish, caught under the Walnut Street Bridge.

Participant Thomas B. with a Channel Catfish caught between Walnut and Chestnut.

Participant Daniel G. with a Channel Catfish caught under the Chestnut Street Bridge.

Participant Linda Z. (2nd place in the 1st Catfish Tourney) with a Channel Catfish caught between Locust and Walnut.

Ron L. Jackson got not only 1st place in the competition, but also the Big Fish prize for a 5.44lbs Channel Catfish caught on a piece of cinnamon raisin bagel, right on the right of the Walnut street bridge.

Blaise F. with a Channel Catfish caught between Walnut and Chestnut.

The only unusual "Catfish Catch" of the competition this time: a 0.81lbs Flathead Catfish on a whole Creek Chub by Kevin W.. Unfortunately, no big monsters (biggest Channel Cat was 5.44lbs), but still a neat fish to look at.

Participant Don G. (3rd place on the 1st Catfish Tourney) with a Channel Catfish caught between Locust and Walnut.

Almost the whole crew at the end of the 2nd Catfish Tourney on the Banks. If you missed the group photo, make sure you stay until the end for it next time!!! =)

And here are the winners of the second Catfish Tourney on the Banks: 1st place and big fish - Center - Ronald L. Jackson (with his son on the left), Left - 2nd place - Kevin Weyl (with his friend Big Jim on the left), and Right - 3rd place - Keith Smith (with his cousin, perhaps, on the right).

Close up picture of the 3 winners with their trophies.
Once again, thank you very much for everyone that participated in the competition! Your 20% contribution is making a different on a national level.
The next Catfish Tourney on the Banks will be on July 28th, 2013: 9a.m.-3 p.m. I'll make a proper post about it on July 1st or 2nd!
Best of luck for all of us,
Long Days and Pleasant Nights,
Leo S.