
Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Little Favor to Ask...

Hello, readers!

Today, I'm here to ask you guys for a favor. As you all may know or may not, the Extreme Philly Fishing Blog has been around for 3 years already. I'm proud to say that it's been providing information regarding fishing and other topics without making any profit at all (the World isn't always about money!).

Since I came to the United States of America as an international st
udent from Brazil (2007), I've been enjoying the fishing here in Philadelphia! I feel like I've accomplished a lot: shared tons of information, fished a lot, met lots of friends through the Blog, etc.

While doing all of that, I truly developed a love for this country, and I've been trying my best to portray our sport positively while emphasizing the "educational approach." I've seen many people progress, and I've seen many children pick up the passion for the sport!

I have high standards and goals for where I want to go with all the fishing and the environmental aspects of the Blog and FB page. However, my stay in this country is not permanent.

I'm currently here as an international student, meaning that I would have to leave the country after finishing my degree at Temple University. For now, I can only stay legally in this country until the end of 2014.

Therefore, since I want to stay here and continue doing what I do, I've decided to apply for a change of status with the US immigration office. This process that I'm applying to is painful and long, not to mention that the success ratio is very small.

That's where the favor comes in: if possible, I would like to request a letter of recommendation from you - the reader.

If you can - could you please write a one page recommendation letter for me? Perhaps include how "Extreme Philly Fishing" helped you on fishing, and how? If it changed any of your approaches on the environment? How did it positively affect you or your life, if it did? Did you learn anything from here that became truly important to you? Did it change your lifestyle in any aspects (i.e. no more littering)?

Also, feel free to talk about anything positive in your recommendation letter, as far as it it's related to the Blog and fishing. If you decide to write it, you will have to add your name, your age, your home address, your e-mail, and your phone number at the end of the letter, so the immigration office will know that you are a real human being. Single spaced will be fine.

Every one-page letter will be printed and attached to my forms, and then sent to the immigration office to request for a change of status. Therefore, every single letter will help me in this process.

In case you decide to help me out, you can send the document to my e-mail:

And, if I don't get denied by them, I'll be one step further with my dreams: to improve the Blog and create more activities in Philadelphia related to fishing and environmental conservation, to fight for a better fishing community, to create a sponsorship for a pay lake in Philadelphia for entertainment and educational purposes, etc.

Therefore, if you are helping me out on this - thanks in advance! It means a lot to me.
Best of luck for all of us,
Long Days and Pleasant Nights,
Leo S.