
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Latest News and Future Updates for the Blog

Hello, Readers!

Although it doesn't look like, I've been doing quite a lot of work on the Blog in these past days, not to mention that the Facebook Page has been updated almost on a daily basis.

Here are the latest news that you should check, and also a couple future projects for the Blog:

1. Enter to Win an EPF (Extreme Philly Fishing) Under Armour T-shirt!

Finally, EPF (Extreme Philly Fishing) Under Armour T-shirts have arrived! Obviously, the numbers are very limited, since they were made by the company for my own personal use. It's Under Armour quality, meaning that the material is the best suitable material when it comes to fishing in extreme weathers. I designed the logo, which is imprinted at the back of the shirt (the color of the little logo was actually based on the Schuylkill Banks' logo, since that location is where I started fishing in Philadelphia )

I don't intend to sell them; however, I am going to give away TWO of them using a "drawing" system. If you are interested in participating, just "like" the Facebook Page (you certainly need a Facebook account for that) OR subscribe to the Blog (be a member for free) OR subscribe to the EPF Youtube Channel, and send an e-mail to "" with the subject line "T-shirt." On the e-mail, just include your name, what you subscribed to (Facebook Page, Blog, Youtube), and either "MEDIUM OR LARGE" (T-shirt size preference), and you are good to go! One entry per person, meaning that you could actually tell your whole family to enter. Note that you must either subscribe to the blog or the facebook page to enter this drawing.

The T-shirt is an Under Armour short-sleeve (Model #1233672) with the logo "Extreme Philly Fishing" at the back (same logo as portrayed above). The T-shirt is black, for males only (since it was designed for my own personal usage), and size M/L.

The drawing will be performed at the end of this month, on April 28th. The winners will be contacted by e-mail, and the T-shirts will be given IN PERSON.

Thank you all, and good luck!

2. Latest Updates:
Updated a couple more fishing sessions for the month of March. The last updated fishing session always shows on top of the post (i.e. 03/03)
Added pictures of my fishing sessions up-to-date. Once I have more time, I'll be writing all the fishing reports for them.
I added a couple more videos on my Youtube Channel:
"Things that you don't see when you stay at home:" A crazy guy throwing sandbags in the Schuylkill River.
"Things that you don't see when you stay at home:" Two ducks fighting over a female at Pennypack Park
Landing a big Channel Catfish at Knight's Lake - Collingswood, NJ.
Landing a big Brown Bullhead at Linden Lake - Lindenwold, NJ.
3. Future project for Summer time:
So, after taking a good look at the Blog, I finally decided to organize it a little bit better. Here are the following changes that I will perform on the Blog for this Summer:

- I am going to add the word "Introduction" to posts that portray a single body of water, and eventually make a list of introductions. Therefore, the readers will be able to locate those introductory posts using the search engine button on the Blog.

- I am going to date all pictures on the Blog for every post. I have all dates saved; therefore, I know exactly what happened when and where. Having dates on photos is important because readers can be able to "predict or expect" when certain fish will bite, and why.

- I am going to list all Species of fish in those single bodies of water, and add as many photos as I can.

Therefore, slowly, I'll turn those posts into a little "Fish Database" on the Blog, where the reader can just look up the post, and see what is inside there, when were the fish caught, the conditions of the place, etc.

I used the post above (Meadow Lake) as an example of how things will be; although, the Pennypack Post was the first experiment for this project.
That's it for now!
Best of luck for all of us,
Long Days and Pleasant Nights,


Leo S.